Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "История Армении" in Russian language version.
In 1722 Persian Armenia suffered invasion by Peter the Great (1682—1725) and rebellion led by David Bek, an Armenian from Georgia. David, using the fort of Tat’ew as his base, established a principality, from four melikdoms. The results were Turkish invasion and the division of Persia’s territory between Russians and Turks in 1724. David’s principality subsequently fell, to the Turks, in 1730.
In 1722 Persian Armenia suffered invasion by Peter the Great (1682—1725) and rebellion led by David Bek, an Armenian from Georgia. David, using the fort of Tat’ew as his base, established a principality, from four melikdoms. The results were Turkish invasion and the division of Persia’s territory between Russians and Turks in 1724. David’s principality subsequently fell, to the Turks, in 1730.
We show that Armenians have indeed remained unadmixed through the Neolithic and at least until the first part of the Bronze Age, and fail to find any support for historical suggestions by Herodotus of an input from the Balkans. However, we do detect a genetic input of Sardinian-like ancestry during or just after the Middle-Late Bronze Age. A similar input at approximately the same time was detected in East Africa, suggesting large-scale movement both North and South of the Middle East. Whether such large-scale population movement was a result of climatic or cultural changes is unclear, as well as the true source of gene flow remains an open question that needs to be addressed in future ancient DNA studies. […] We focused on solving a long-standing puzzle regarding Armenians' genetic roots. Although the Balkan hypothesis has long been considered the most plausible narrative on the origin of Armenians, our results strongly reject it, showing that modern Armenians are genetically distinct from both the ancient and present-day populations from the Balkans. On the contrary, we confirmed the pattern of genetic affinity between the modern and ancient inhabitants of the Armenian Highland since the Chalcolithic, which was initially identified in previous studies. […] Sardinians have the highest affinity to early European farmers […]
Титул «царь царей», который вскоре принимает Тигран II, был вполне закономерен — при нём Армения действительно превратилась в крупнейшую державу.
Титул «царь царей», который вскоре принимает Тигран II, был вполне закономерен — при нём Армения действительно превратилась в крупнейшую державу.
We show that Armenians have indeed remained unadmixed through the Neolithic and at least until the first part of the Bronze Age, and fail to find any support for historical suggestions by Herodotus of an input from the Balkans. However, we do detect a genetic input of Sardinian-like ancestry during or just after the Middle-Late Bronze Age. A similar input at approximately the same time was detected in East Africa, suggesting large-scale movement both North and South of the Middle East. Whether such large-scale population movement was a result of climatic or cultural changes is unclear, as well as the true source of gene flow remains an open question that needs to be addressed in future ancient DNA studies. […] We focused on solving a long-standing puzzle regarding Armenians' genetic roots. Although the Balkan hypothesis has long been considered the most plausible narrative on the origin of Armenians, our results strongly reject it, showing that modern Armenians are genetically distinct from both the ancient and present-day populations from the Balkans. On the contrary, we confirmed the pattern of genetic affinity between the modern and ancient inhabitants of the Armenian Highland since the Chalcolithic, which was initially identified in previous studies. […] Sardinians have the highest affinity to early European farmers […]
После первых разведывательных походов монгольских войск и вторжения хорезмшаха Джал ад-дина армянские области в 1236—1245 гг. были завоеваны постепенно монголами. Сначала на завоеванных территориях стран Закавказья было создано наместничество, которое было разделено на пять административно-экономических территориальных единиц-вилайетов: 1) Грузия и территория княжества Закарянов, то есть Северная Армения составляли «Гюрджистанский вилайет», который включил армянские области Айрарат, Сюник, Арцах, Гугарк и область Карса; 2) «Великая Армения» — южные и западные районы Армении; 3) Ширван; 4) Арран и Муган; 5) Адарбайджан (Атрпатакан). Кроме того, те армянские области, которые вошли в состав «Гюрджистанского вилайета», были разделены на три, а затем на пять частей-туманов, которые управлялись разными представителями армянских феодальных родов. Таким образом, правителем тумана Северной Армении (Ани-Ширак) были потомки Закаре (Закарии), правившие до 60-х годов XIV в. В Геларкунике, Содке, Вайоц-Дзоре и части Айраратской области правили Авагяны (потомки Иване). В Парисосе, Гардмане и Тавуше правили Ваграмяны. В Хачене — Хасан-Джалаляны. Орбеляны правили в Сюнике до середины XV в. Все эти армянские княжеские роды и правители находились в вассальной зависимости от монгольского хана, которого представлял его наместник — Чармаган. Кроме вышеуказанных крупных феодальных родов в монгольский период все ещё были Вачутяны, правившие в Арагацотне, Допяны, правившие в Шахапунике, Варажунике и Котайке до конца XIV в., Прошяны в Вайоц-Дзоре просуществовали до середины XIV в. и др.
We show that Armenians have indeed remained unadmixed through the Neolithic and at least until the first part of the Bronze Age, and fail to find any support for historical suggestions by Herodotus of an input from the Balkans. However, we do detect a genetic input of Sardinian-like ancestry during or just after the Middle-Late Bronze Age. A similar input at approximately the same time was detected in East Africa, suggesting large-scale movement both North and South of the Middle East. Whether such large-scale population movement was a result of climatic or cultural changes is unclear, as well as the true source of gene flow remains an open question that needs to be addressed in future ancient DNA studies. […] We focused on solving a long-standing puzzle regarding Armenians' genetic roots. Although the Balkan hypothesis has long been considered the most plausible narrative on the origin of Armenians, our results strongly reject it, showing that modern Armenians are genetically distinct from both the ancient and present-day populations from the Balkans. On the contrary, we confirmed the pattern of genetic affinity between the modern and ancient inhabitants of the Armenian Highland since the Chalcolithic, which was initially identified in previous studies. […] Sardinians have the highest affinity to early European farmers […]
Титул «царь царей», который вскоре принимает Тигран II, был вполне закономерен — при нём Армения действительно превратилась в крупнейшую державу.
Титул «царь царей», который вскоре принимает Тигран II, был вполне закономерен — при нём Армения действительно превратилась в крупнейшую державу.