Savage, Charlie.Unreleased Report Finds Faults in Amnesty International’s Criticism of Ukraine(англ.). New York Times (27 апреля 2023). — «The report also said the descriptor "pattern" was imprudent because it implied that generally, "many or most of the civilian victims of the war died as a result of Ukraine’s decision to locate its forces in the vicinity of civilians," as opposed to "Russia’s willingness to target civilians or civilian objects deliberately or indiscriminately."». Дата обращения: 3 мая 2023. Архивировано 30 апреля 2023 года.
Beaumont, Peter.Leaked Amnesty review finds own Ukraine report 'legally questionable'(англ.). Guardian (28 апреля 2023). — «Leaked to the New York Times, that unpublished review has concluded that the report was "written in language that was ambiguous, imprecise and in some respects legally questionable", according to the newspaper. In particular, the report's authors were criticised for language that appeared to suggest "many or most of the civilian victims of the war died as a result of Ukraine's decision to locate its forces in the vicinity of civilians" at a time when Russian forces were deliberately targeting civilians.» Дата обращения: 3 мая 2023. Архивировано 29 апреля 2023 года.
Beaumont, Peter.Leaked Amnesty review finds own Ukraine report 'legally questionable'(англ.). Guardian (28 апреля 2023). — «Leaked to the New York Times, that unpublished review has concluded that the report was "written in language that was ambiguous, imprecise and in some respects legally questionable", according to the newspaper. In particular, the report's authors were criticised for language that appeared to suggest "many or most of the civilian victims of the war died as a result of Ukraine's decision to locate its forces in the vicinity of civilians" at a time when Russian forces were deliberately targeting civilians.» Дата обращения: 3 мая 2023. Архивировано 29 апреля 2023 года.
Savage, Charlie.Unreleased Report Finds Faults in Amnesty International’s Criticism of Ukraine(англ.). New York Times (27 апреля 2023). — «The report also said the descriptor "pattern" was imprudent because it implied that generally, "many or most of the civilian victims of the war died as a result of Ukraine’s decision to locate its forces in the vicinity of civilians," as opposed to "Russia’s willingness to target civilians or civilian objects deliberately or indiscriminately."». Дата обращения: 3 мая 2023. Архивировано 30 апреля 2023 года.