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Lordkipanidze D, Jashashvili T, Vekua A, Ponce de León MS, Zollikofer CP, Rightmire GP, Pontzer H, Ferring R, Oms O, Tappen M, Bukhsianidze M, Agusti J, Kahlke R, Kiladze G, Martinez-Navarro B, Mouskhelishvili A, Nioradze M, Rook L (2007). "Postcranial evidence from early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia". Nature 449 (7160): 305–310. doi:10.1038/nature06134. PMID17882214
Lordkipanidze, D.; Vekua, A.; Ferring, R.; Rightmire, G. P.; Agusti, J.; Kiladze, G.; Mouskhelishvili, A.; Nioradze, M.; Ponce De León, M. S. P.; Tappen, M.; Zollikofer, C. P. E. (2005). "Anthropology: The earliest toothless hominin skull". Nature 434 (7034): 717–718. doi:10.1038/434717b. PMID15815618
Rightmire, G. P.; Lordkipanidze, D.; Vekua, A. (2006). "Anatomical descriptions, comparative studies and evolutionary significance of the hominin skulls from Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia". Journal of Human Evolution 50 (2): 115–141. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.07.009. PMID16271745
Vekua A, Lordkipanidze D, Rightmire GP, Agusti J, Ferring R, Maisuradze G, Mouskhelishvili A, Nioradze M, De Leon MP, Tappen M, Tvalchrelidze M, Zollikofer C (2002). „A new skull of early Homo from Dmanisi, Georgia”. Sciencesvezak 297 (broj 5578): str. 85. – 89.. DOI:10.1126/science.1072953. PMID12098694.
Roylance, Frank D. Roylance (6. 2. 1994). „A Kid Tall For His Age”. Baltimore Sun. Arhivirano iz originala na datum 2013-11-05. Pristupljeno 30. 3. 2013. »Clearly this population of early people were tall, and fit. Their long bones were very strong. We believe their activity level was much higher than we can imagine today. We can hardly find Olympic athletes with the stature of these people«