PUBLISHED, Sam Roche. Volbeat announce new album Servant of the Mind, share destructive new single, Shotgun Blues [online]. guitarworld, 2021-09-23, [cit. 2022-05-26]. Dostupné online. (po anglicky)
Austrian certifications – Volbeat [online]. IFPI Austria, [cit. 2014-04-20]. Dostupné online. (German) Enter Volbeat in the field Interpret. Click Suchen
Austrian certifications – Volbeat [online]. IFPI Austria, [cit. 2014-04-20]. Dostupné online. (German) Enter Volbeat in the field Interpret. Click Suchen
Austrian certifications – Volbeat [online]. IFPI Austria, [cit. 2014-04-20]. Dostupné online. (German) Enter Volbeat in the field Interpret. Click Suchen
Auszeichnungen Archiv [online]. IFPI Austria - Verband der österreichischen Musikwirtschaft, [cit. 2022-05-26]. Dostupné online. (po nemecky)
Still Counting (Live @ House Of Blues, Anaheim) | Volbeat | Music Video [online]. Viacom Media Networks, 11 May 2012, [cit. 2014-04-20]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2014-04-23 z originálu.
Still Counting (Live @ House Of Blues, Anaheim) | Volbeat | Music Video [online]. Viacom Media Networks, 11 May 2012, [cit. 2014-04-20]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2014-04-23 z originálu.