Stone, Daniel (1. 2. 2013). The real story behind Wayland and X. 42:00 мин. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 03. 2016. г. Приступљено 15. 05. 2015.
Presentation at 2013. "[W]e think it's going to better at remoting than X."
Høgsberg, Kristian. „Wayland”(PDF).Непознати параметар |access= игнорисан [|access-date= се препоручује] (помоћ) "No rendering API, all direct rendering"
Barnes, Jesse. „Introduction to Wayland”(PDF). Intel Open Source Technology Center. "Does not include a rendering API – Clients use what they want and send buffer handles to the server"
„Wayland FAQ”. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 03. 2011. г. Приступљено 4. 2. 2015.
„Wayland”. „"Wayland is a protocol for a compositor to talk to its clients as well as a C library implementation of that protocol."”
„Wayland FAQ”. Wayland project. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 03. 2011. г. Приступљено 3. 2. 2019.
„Wayland FAQ”. Wayland project. Wayland project. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 03. 2011. г. Приступљено 4. 9. 2014. "Wayland doesn't render on behalf of the clients, it expects the clients to use whatever means they prefer to render into a shareable buffer."
Stone, Daniel (1. 2. 2013). The real story behind Wayland and X. 42:00 мин. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 03. 2016. г. Приступљено 15. 05. 2015.
Presentation at 2013. "[W]e think it's going to better at remoting than X."
„Wayland FAQ”. Wayland project. Wayland project. Архивирано из оригинала 07. 03. 2011. г. Приступљено 4. 9. 2014. "Wayland doesn't render on behalf of the clients, it expects the clients to use whatever means they prefer to render into a shareable buffer."