Равнодневица (Serbian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Равнодневица" in Serbian language version.

Global rank Serbian rank
1st place
1st place
1,369th place
52nd place
237th place
459th place
212th place
255th place
low place
8,176th place


  • Ekvinokcij ili ravnodnevica,[1] "Hrvatska enciklopedija", Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, www.enciklopedija.hr, 2014.
  • proljetna točka, [2] "Hrvatska enciklopedija", Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, www.enciklopedija.hr, 2014.
  • jesenska točka, [3] "Hrvatska enciklopedija", Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, www.enciklopedija.hr, 2014.



  • „Equinoxes”. Astronomical Information Center. United States Naval Observatory. 14. 6. 2019. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 5. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 7. 2019. „On the day of an equinox, the geometric center of the Sun's disk crosses the equator, and this point is above the horizon for 12 hours everywhere on the Earth. However, the Sun is not simply a geometric point. Sunrise is defined as the instant when the leading edge of the Sun's disk becomes visible on the horizon, whereas sunset is the instant when the trailing edge of the disk disappears below the horizon. These are the moments of first and last direct sunlight. At these times the center of the disk is below the horizon. Furthermore, atmospheric refraction causes the Sun's disk to appear higher in the sky than it would if the Earth had no atmosphere. Thus, in the morning the upper edge of the disk is visible for several minutes before the geometric edge of the disk reaches the horizon. Similarly, in the evening the upper edge of the disk disappears several minutes after the geometric disk has passed below the horizon. The times of sunrise and sunset in almanacs are calculated for the normal atmospheric refraction of 34 minutes of arc and a semidiameter of 16 minutes of arc for the disk. Therefore, at the tabulated time the geometric center of the Sun is actually 50 minutes of arc below a regular and unobstructed horizon for an observer on the surface of the Earth in a level region 





  • Američka mornarička zvjezdarnica (10. lipnja 2010.). "Earth's Seasons: Equinoxes, Solstices, Perihelion, and Aphelion, 2000-2020" Архивирано на веб-сајту Wayback Machine (22. август 2014)
  • „Equinoxes”. Astronomical Information Center. United States Naval Observatory. 14. 6. 2019. Архивирано из оригинала 25. 5. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 7. 2019. „On the day of an equinox, the geometric center of the Sun's disk crosses the equator, and this point is above the horizon for 12 hours everywhere on the Earth. However, the Sun is not simply a geometric point. Sunrise is defined as the instant when the leading edge of the Sun's disk becomes visible on the horizon, whereas sunset is the instant when the trailing edge of the disk disappears below the horizon. These are the moments of first and last direct sunlight. At these times the center of the disk is below the horizon. Furthermore, atmospheric refraction causes the Sun's disk to appear higher in the sky than it would if the Earth had no atmosphere. Thus, in the morning the upper edge of the disk is visible for several minutes before the geometric edge of the disk reaches the horizon. Similarly, in the evening the upper edge of the disk disappears several minutes after the geometric disk has passed below the horizon. The times of sunrise and sunset in almanacs are calculated for the normal atmospheric refraction of 34 minutes of arc and a semidiameter of 16 minutes of arc for the disk. Therefore, at the tabulated time the geometric center of the Sun is actually 50 minutes of arc below a regular and unobstructed horizon for an observer on the surface of the Earth in a level region 
  • „Nadnevci proljetne ravnodnevnice”. Архивирано из оригинала 15. 07. 2014. г. Приступљено 25. 04. 2021.