Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant (Swedish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ave Imperator, morituri te salutant" in Swedish language version.

Global rank Swedish rank
230th place
459th place
2,848th place
23rd place
6th place
153rd place
649th place
861st place
3,028th place
3,375th place
low place
2,894th place
1st place
1st place
2,316th place
low place
low place
low place
3rd place
37th place
26th place
263rd place


  • Have är en stavningsvariant av Ave. Se P G Zumpt A grammar of the Latin language, (1847): "H is only an aspiration ; it is not considered as a vowel, and therefore when joined with a consonant it does not lengthen the preceding syllable. The ancients themselves (see Quintil. i. 5. 21.) were in doubt with regard to several words, as to which was the more correct, to pronounce it or not ; for example, as to whether they should pronounce have or ave, ..."(hänvisningen till Quintilianus bok 5. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. avser rimligtvis också bok 6. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.: "Let the extremely learned man, who has saluted you without an aspirate and with the second syllable lengthened - for the verb, he will say, is avēte - say also calefacere and conservavisse rather than what we say, and with these let him join face, dice, and the like"). Se även haveo på Wiktionary.
  • I Dionis Cassii Romanarum historiarum libri XXV ex Guilielmi Xylandri interpretatione. sid. 790 av Henricus Stephanus 1592 är dock översättningen av Cassius citat också i tredje person pluralis.




  • Have är en stavningsvariant av Ave. Se P G Zumpt A grammar of the Latin language, (1847): "H is only an aspiration ; it is not considered as a vowel, and therefore when joined with a consonant it does not lengthen the preceding syllable. The ancients themselves (see Quintil. i. 5. 21.) were in doubt with regard to several words, as to which was the more correct, to pronounce it or not ; for example, as to whether they should pronounce have or ave, ..."(hänvisningen till Quintilianus bok 5. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. avser rimligtvis också bok 6. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.: "Let the extremely learned man, who has saluted you without an aspirate and with the second syllable lengthened - for the verb, he will say, is avēte - say also calefacere and conservavisse rather than what we say, and with these let him join face, dice, and the like"). Se även haveo på Wiktionary.









  • Have är en stavningsvariant av Ave. Se P G Zumpt A grammar of the Latin language, (1847): "H is only an aspiration ; it is not considered as a vowel, and therefore when joined with a consonant it does not lengthen the preceding syllable. The ancients themselves (see Quintil. i. 5. 21.) were in doubt with regard to several words, as to which was the more correct, to pronounce it or not ; for example, as to whether they should pronounce have or ave, ..."(hänvisningen till Quintilianus bok 5. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. avser rimligtvis också bok 6. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.: "Let the extremely learned man, who has saluted you without an aspirate and with the second syllable lengthened - for the verb, he will say, is avēte - say also calefacere and conservavisse rather than what we say, and with these let him join face, dice, and the like"). Se även haveo på Wiktionary.





  • Have är en stavningsvariant av Ave. Se P G Zumpt A grammar of the Latin language, (1847): "H is only an aspiration ; it is not considered as a vowel, and therefore when joined with a consonant it does not lengthen the preceding syllable. The ancients themselves (see Quintil. i. 5. 21.) were in doubt with regard to several words, as to which was the more correct, to pronounce it or not ; for example, as to whether they should pronounce have or ave, ..."(hänvisningen till Quintilianus bok 5. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine. avser rimligtvis också bok 6. 21 Arkiverad 26 augusti 2011 hämtat från the Wayback Machine.: "Let the extremely learned man, who has saluted you without an aspirate and with the second syllable lengthened - for the verb, he will say, is avēte - say also calefacere and conservavisse rather than what we say, and with these let him join face, dice, and the like"). Se även haveo på Wiktionary.
  • "Avete är pluralform av Ave, vos betyder "er". - se även ave och aveo på Wiktionary