Соціальне конструювання гендеру (Ukrainian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Соціальне конструювання гендеру" in Ukrainian language version.

Global rank Ukrainian rank
2nd place
4th place
6th place
6th place
1st place
1st place
5th place
9th place
4th place
5th place
26th place
129th place
low place
low place
649th place
604th place
1,430th place
1,639th place
1,379th place
1,207th place
2,584th place
4,103rd place
1,220th place
866th place
low place
low place
869th place
309th place
low place
low place
1,174th place
1,789th place
179th place
277th place



  • APA PsycNet. psycnet.apa.org (англ.). Процитовано 2 квітня 2020.


  • Lindsey, Linda L. (2015). The sociology of gender. Gender roles: a sociological perspective (PDF). Boston: Pearson. с. 4. ISBN 9780205899685. Архів оригіналу за 11 лютого 2016. Gender refers to those social, cultural, and psychological traits linked to males and females through particular social contexts. Sex makes us male or female; gender makes us masculine or feminine. Sex is an ascribed status because a person is born with it, but gender is an achieved status because it must be learned.
  • Pinker, Steven (2002). In touch with reality. The blank slate: the modern denial of human nature. London: Allen Lane, Penguin Books. с. 202. ISBN 9780713996722.
  • Alsop, Rachel; Fitzsimons, Annette; Lennon, Kathleen (2002). The social construction of gender. Theorizing gender. Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell. с. 64–93. ISBN 9780745619446.
  • West, Candace; Zimmerman, Don H. (June 1987). Doing gender. Gender & Society. 1 (2): 125—151. doi:10.1177/0891243287001002002. JSTOR 189945. Pdf.
  • Butler, Judith (December 1988). Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory. Theatre Journal. 40 (4): 519—531. doi:10.2307/3207893. JSTOR 3207893.
  • Bussey, Kay; Bandura, Albert (1999). Social cognitive theory of gender development and differentiation. Psychological Review (англ.). 106 (4): 676—713. doi:10.1037/0033-295X.106.4.676. ISSN 1939-1471. PMID 10560326.
  • Eckert, Penelope; McConnell-Ginet, Sally (2013). Language and gender (вид. 2nd). Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107659360.
  • Cohane, Geoffrey H.; Pope, Harrison G. (May 2001). Body image in boys: A review of the literature. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 29 (4): 373—379. doi:10.1002/eat.1033. PMID 11285574.
  • Bolzendahl, Catherine I.; Myers, Daniel J. (December 2004). Feminist attitudes and support for gender equality: opinion change in women and men, 1974-1998. Social Forces. 83 (2): 759—789. doi:10.1353/sof.2005.0005. JSTOR 3598347. Pdf. [Архівовано 2018-06-15 у Wayback Machine.]




















  • Lindsey, Linda L. (2015). The sociology of gender. Gender roles: a sociological perspective (PDF). Boston: Pearson. с. 4. ISBN 9780205899685. Архів оригіналу за 11 лютого 2016. Gender refers to those social, cultural, and psychological traits linked to males and females through particular social contexts. Sex makes us male or female; gender makes us masculine or feminine. Sex is an ascribed status because a person is born with it, but gender is an achieved status because it must be learned.
  • Witt, Susan D. (1997). Parental Influence on Children's Socialization to Gender Roles. Архів оригіналу за 20 травня 2012. Процитовано 16 липня 2018.
  • Архівована копія. Архів оригіналу за 20 травня 2012. Процитовано 2 серпня 2021.{{cite web}}: Обслуговування CS1: Сторінки з текстом «archived copy» як значення параметру title (посилання)
  • Rideout, Victoria (January 2010). Media in the Lives of 8- to 18-Year-Olds (PDF). Kaiser Family Foundation. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 25 листопада 2018. Процитовано 10 жовтня 2018.
  • Bolzendahl, Catherine I.; Myers, Daniel J. (December 2004). Feminist attitudes and support for gender equality: opinion change in women and men, 1974-1998. Social Forces. 83 (2): 759—789. doi:10.1353/sof.2005.0005. JSTOR 3598347. Pdf. [Архівовано 2018-06-15 у Wayback Machine.]


