NoFap (Chinese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "NoFap" in Chinese language version.

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  • Subedar, Anisa. The online groups of men who avoid masturbation. BBC News (BBC). 2017-06-24 [2017-09-23]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-24). “NoFap是一个帮助人们改善性健康和性生活习惯组织,无论成员的最终目标是什么,只要他们想要改善这些,我们就会尝试给他们提供支持”他说,禁欲并非是每一个成员的最终目标,“我们没有统一的目标,有的成员想自慰,有的成员不想自慰,这个网站实际上接纳了不同的观点。”("NoFap' is an organisation that supports its users regardless of what their goals might be as long as they're trying to improve their sexual health and live their sexual habits in a way that they want to," he says, pointing out that abstinence is not the ultimate aim of all participants. "We don't have a unified goal. Some people want to masturbate some people don't want to masturbate – it hosts a wide variety of people with different viewpoints.")

  • Coon, Dennis; Mitterer, John O. 11. Gender and Sexuality. Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior 14. Cengage Learning. 2014: 363 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-1-305-54500-7. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14). 自慰真的会伤害你吗?七十年前,一个小孩也许会被父母告知自慰会导致精神障碍、粉刺、不育或是其他疾病,那时的自慰还被叫做“自渎”。自慰在历史上曾长时间遭受不公的对待:被宗教团体认为是不洁的行为并被医学认为是人类不需要的行为(Caroll, 2013)。今日,自慰已被认为是一种正常的性行为(Hogarth & Ingham, 2009),许多开明的家长们也已经意识到了这一点。不过直到今日,仍有许多孩子会因为抚摸外生殖器而被父母指责或感到羞耻。这是很不正确的,因为自慰本身对人体是无害的。一般来说,你在自慰后的罪恶感、恐惧感、焦虑感来源于你将自慰看作错事或坏事。现今的社会鼓励安全性行为,而自慰事实上是性行为中最安全的。(Is there any way that masturbation can cause harm? Seventy years ago, a child might have been told that masturbation would cause insanity, acne, sterility, or other such nonsense. "Self-abuse," as it was then called, has enjoyed a long and unfortunate history of religious and medical disapproval (Caroll, 2013). The modern view is that masturbation is a normal sexual behavior (Hogarth & Ingham, 2009). Enlightened parents are well aware of this fact. Still, many children are punished or made to feel guilty for touching their genitals. This is unfortunate because masturbation itself is harmless. Typically, its only negative effects are feelings of fear, guilt, or anxiety that arise from learning to think of masturbation as "bad" or "wrong." In an age when people are urged to practice "safer sex," masturbation remains the safest sex of all. 
  • David J. Ley. The Myth of Sex Addiction. Rowman & Littlefield. 2014-07-10: 12 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-1-4422-1305-0. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14). 
  • Strassberg, Donald S.; Mackaronis, Julia E.; Perelman, Michael A. Sexual dysfunctions. Blaney, Paul H.; Krueger, Robert F.; Millon, Theodore (编). Oxford textbook of psychopathology Third. NY: Oxford University Press. 2015: 441–442 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-0-19-981177-9. OCLC 879552995. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14). 
  • Coon, Dennis; Mitterer, John O.; Martini, Tanya S. Psychology: Modules for Active Learning. Cengage Learning. 2016-12-05: 413–414 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-1-337-51708-9. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14).

  • Reddit上的这篇帖子(TIL when men don't masturbate for 7 days their testosterone levels increase by 145.7%. • r/todayilearned. reddit. [2020-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-26). )讨论了 Jiang M, Xin J, Zou Q, Shen JW. A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. 2003, 4 (2): 236–240. PMID 12659241. doi:10.1631/jzus.2003.0236. ,论文的作者均是中国人
  • Imhoff, Roland; Zimmer, Felix. Men's Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of "reboot" Websites. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-04-30. ISSN 0004-0002. PMID 32356083. doi:10.1007/s10508-020-01722-x (英语). 我们最近发表了一篇论文,题为“Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality”(Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020),在这篇论文中我们探讨了人们戒除自慰的原因,为了进行进一步的研究,我们指出了有关该主题的现有论述,并引用了这场论辩中不同主角的理论(如“”和“”的观点)。(We recently published a paper titled "Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality" (Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020) in which we tried to explore correlates of men's motivation to stay abstinent from masturbation. In motivating the study, we pointed to existing discourses around the topic and cited different protagonists within this debate (e.g., the Web sites "" and "").) 
  • Zimmer, F.; Imhoff, R. Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality (PDF). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-03-04, 49 (4): 1333–1343 [2020-06-13]. PMC 7145784可免费查阅. PMID 32130561. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-01623-8. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-05-20). 从零阶偏听偏相关系数和多元线性回归可以看出,禁欲的动机主要与态度相关,特别是对自慰的否定态度。尽管禁欲与性欲亢进有关联,但未发现与性行为的标记(如最大性高潮次数)显着相关。较高的节欲动机与自慰,保守主义和宗教信仰过高的感知影响以及对科学的信任度较低有关。我们认为,关于禁欲的研究可以丰富对是否以及如何进行健康自慰的平均频率的理解。(As visible from zero-order correlations and multiple linear regression, motivation for abstinence was mostly associated with attitudinal correlates, specifically the perception of masturbation as unhealthy. While there were associations with hypersexuality, no significant correlation with behavioral markers such as maximum number of orgasms was found. Higher abstinence motivation was related to a higher perceived impact of masturbation, conservatism, and religiosity and to lower trust in science. We argue that research on abstinence from masturbation can enrich the understanding of whether and how average frequencies of healthy behavior are pathologized.) 
  • Taylor, K.; Jackson, S. 'I want that power back': Discourses of masculinity within an online pornography abstinence forum. Sexualities. 2018, 21 (4): 621–639. doi:10.1177/1363460717740248. 
  • Sigel, Lisa Z. Masturbation: The History of the Great Terror by Jean Stengers; Ann Van Neck; Kathryn Hoffmann. Journal of Social History. Summer 2004, 37 (4): 1065–1066. ISSN 0022-4529. JSTOR 3790078. doi:10.1353/jsh.2004.0065. 斯唐热和凡·内克追踪这起神秘猝死的病因,他们的成果最终在20世纪转变了医学界对自慰的看法——在那时,自慰被认为是这起暴毙的直接原因。但是当两人一开始使用科学方法分析得到的数据之后,发现在大部分自慰的人中只有极少部分人突然暴毙,于是结论变得十分明显:如果大多数人都自慰并且没有精神错乱,虚弱或过早死亡,那么说明自慰根本就不是这些病的病因。于是,对自慰的刻板看法很快失掉了医学界的阵地,后来的家长越来越将自慰看成一种青少年时期的正常生理行为。(Stengers and Van Neck follow the illness to its fairly abrupt demise; they liken the shift to finally seeing the emperor without clothes as doctors began to doubt masturbation as a cause of illness at the turn of the twentieth century. Once doubt set in, scientists began to accumulate statistics about the practice, finding that a large minority and then a large majority of people masturbated. The implications were clear: if most people masturbated and did not experience insanity, debility, and early death, then masturbation could not be held accountable to the etiology that had been assigned it. Masturbation quickly lost its hold over the medical community, and parents followed in making masturbation an ordinary part of first childhood and then human sexuality.) 
  • Coleman, E. Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health. Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality. 2008, 14 (2–3): 5–16. doi:10.1300/J056v14n02_02. 
  • Andersen, M. The association of testosterone, sleep, and sexual function in men and women. Brain Research. 2011, 1416: 80–104 [2020-06-13]. PMID 21890115. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.07.060. (原始内容存档于2020-04-10). 
  • Kruger, Tillman. NEUROENDOCRINE AND CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSE TO SEXUAL AROUSAL AND ORGASM IN MEN. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1998, 23 (4): 401–411 [2020-06-13]. PMID 9695139. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(98)00007-9. (原始内容存档于2020-04-10). 
  • Prause N, Pfaus J. Viewing Sexual Stimuli Associated with Greater Sexual Responsiveness, Not Erectile Dysfunction. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015, 3 (2): 111–125. PMC 4498826可免费查阅. PMID 26185674. doi:10.1002/sm2.58. 
  • Grubbs JB, Gola M. Is pornography use related to erectile functioning? Results from cross-sectional and latent growth curve analyses. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2019, 16 (1): 90–98. PMID 30621919. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.11.004. 
  • Landripet I, Stulhofer A. Is pornography use associated with sexual difficulties and dysfunctions among younger heterosexual men?. The journal of sexual medicine. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015, 12 (5): 1136–139. PMID 25816904. doi:10.1111/jsm.12853. 
  • Taylor, Kris. 'I want that power back': Discourses of masculinity within an online pornography abstinence forum. Sexualities. 2018, 21 (4): 621–639. doi:10.1177/1363460717740248. 
  • Burke, Kelsy; MillerMacPhee, Alice. Constructing Pornography Addiction's Harms in Science, News Media, and Politics. Social Forces. 2020-04-24. doi:10.1093/sf/soaa035 (英语). 
  • Kerl, Kristoff. "Oppression by Orgasm": Pornography and Antisemitism in Far-Right Discourses in the United States Since the 1970s. Studies in American Jewish Literature. 2020, 39 (1): 117–138 [2020-06-13]. doi:10.5325/studamerjewilite.39.1.0117. (原始内容存档于2020-12-23). 
  • Liu, Chuncheng and Chen, Mian. 戒色者的意义世界与主体建构——对一个网络社群的社会学研究. 中国社会学年会. 2016-07-19. doi:10.2139/ssrn.3422950.

  • Sigel, Lisa Z. Masturbation: The History of the Great Terror by Jean Stengers; Ann Van Neck; Kathryn Hoffmann. Journal of Social History. Summer 2004, 37 (4): 1065–1066. ISSN 0022-4529. JSTOR 3790078. doi:10.1353/jsh.2004.0065. 斯唐热和凡·内克追踪这起神秘猝死的病因,他们的成果最终在20世纪转变了医学界对自慰的看法——在那时,自慰被认为是这起暴毙的直接原因。但是当两人一开始使用科学方法分析得到的数据之后,发现在大部分自慰的人中只有极少部分人突然暴毙,于是结论变得十分明显:如果大多数人都自慰并且没有精神错乱,虚弱或过早死亡,那么说明自慰根本就不是这些病的病因。于是,对自慰的刻板看法很快失掉了医学界的阵地,后来的家长越来越将自慰看成一种青少年时期的正常生理行为。(Stengers and Van Neck follow the illness to its fairly abrupt demise; they liken the shift to finally seeing the emperor without clothes as doctors began to doubt masturbation as a cause of illness at the turn of the twentieth century. Once doubt set in, scientists began to accumulate statistics about the practice, finding that a large minority and then a large majority of people masturbated. The implications were clear: if most people masturbated and did not experience insanity, debility, and early death, then masturbation could not be held accountable to the etiology that had been assigned it. Masturbation quickly lost its hold over the medical community, and parents followed in making masturbation an ordinary part of first childhood and then human sexuality.)

  • McMahon, Tamsin. Will quitting porn improve your life?: A growing 'NoFap' movement of young men are saying no to porn and masturbation. 麦克林 (Toronto, Canada: Rogers Media). 2014-01-20 [2015-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-02). 尽管有福音派的口号,NoFap与传统运动从根本上不同在于:传统的运动将自慰视为对宗教价值观的侵犯,而NoFap则正在发展成一种受年轻人欢迎的世俗运动,该社区中的许多人被认为是自由主义者和无神论者。匹兹堡23岁的网站开发员亚历山大·罗兹,NoFap网站的创立者认为NoFap的主要成员是20多岁的少年男性,不过网站中亦有女性。他分析认为大概60%的网站成员是无神论者,还拥有许多基督徒和一些穆斯林。这些成员普遍认为色情是有害的。(Despite the evangelical tone, NoFap is fundamentally different from traditional campaigns that view masturbation as an assault on religious values. Instead, it is developing as a secular movement popular among young men, many of whom identify as liberal and atheist. The majority of NoFap members are men in their teens and early 20s, though there are women, too, says Alexander Rhodes, the 23-year-old web developer from Pittsburgh who founded the movement two years ago. He estimates about 60 per cent are atheists; the site is also home to a fair number of Christians and some Muslims, all in broad agreement that porn is harmful.) 
  • McMahon, Tamsin. Will quitting porn improve your life?. Maclean's. 2014-01-20 [2020-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-09).

  • George R. Brown, MD. Overview of Sexuality. Merck Manuals Professional Version. July 2019 [2020-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-23).

  • Reddit上的这篇帖子(TIL when men don't masturbate for 7 days their testosterone levels increase by 145.7%. • r/todayilearned. reddit. [2020-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-26). )讨论了 Jiang M, Xin J, Zou Q, Shen JW. A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. 2003, 4 (2): 236–240. PMID 12659241. doi:10.1631/jzus.2003.0236. ,论文的作者均是中国人
  • Imhoff, Roland; Zimmer, Felix. Men's Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of "reboot" Websites. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-04-30. ISSN 0004-0002. PMID 32356083. doi:10.1007/s10508-020-01722-x (英语). 我们最近发表了一篇论文,题为“Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality”(Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020),在这篇论文中我们探讨了人们戒除自慰的原因,为了进行进一步的研究,我们指出了有关该主题的现有论述,并引用了这场论辩中不同主角的理论(如“”和“”的观点)。(We recently published a paper titled "Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality" (Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020) in which we tried to explore correlates of men's motivation to stay abstinent from masturbation. In motivating the study, we pointed to existing discourses around the topic and cited different protagonists within this debate (e.g., the Web sites "" and "").) 
  • Zimmer, F.; Imhoff, R. Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality (PDF). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-03-04, 49 (4): 1333–1343 [2020-06-13]. PMC 7145784可免费查阅. PMID 32130561. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-01623-8. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-05-20). 从零阶偏听偏相关系数和多元线性回归可以看出,禁欲的动机主要与态度相关,特别是对自慰的否定态度。尽管禁欲与性欲亢进有关联,但未发现与性行为的标记(如最大性高潮次数)显着相关。较高的节欲动机与自慰,保守主义和宗教信仰过高的感知影响以及对科学的信任度较低有关。我们认为,关于禁欲的研究可以丰富对是否以及如何进行健康自慰的平均频率的理解。(As visible from zero-order correlations and multiple linear regression, motivation for abstinence was mostly associated with attitudinal correlates, specifically the perception of masturbation as unhealthy. While there were associations with hypersexuality, no significant correlation with behavioral markers such as maximum number of orgasms was found. Higher abstinence motivation was related to a higher perceived impact of masturbation, conservatism, and religiosity and to lower trust in science. We argue that research on abstinence from masturbation can enrich the understanding of whether and how average frequencies of healthy behavior are pathologized.) 
  • Andersen, M. The association of testosterone, sleep, and sexual function in men and women. Brain Research. 2011, 1416: 80–104 [2020-06-13]. PMID 21890115. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2011.07.060. (原始内容存档于2020-04-10). 
  • Kruger, Tillman. NEUROENDOCRINE AND CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSE TO SEXUAL AROUSAL AND ORGASM IN MEN. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 1998, 23 (4): 401–411 [2020-06-13]. PMID 9695139. doi:10.1016/S0306-4530(98)00007-9. (原始内容存档于2020-04-10). 
  • Prause N, Pfaus J. Viewing Sexual Stimuli Associated with Greater Sexual Responsiveness, Not Erectile Dysfunction. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015, 3 (2): 111–125. PMC 4498826可免费查阅. PMID 26185674. doi:10.1002/sm2.58. 
  • Grubbs JB, Gola M. Is pornography use related to erectile functioning? Results from cross-sectional and latent growth curve analyses. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2019, 16 (1): 90–98. PMID 30621919. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.11.004. 
  • Landripet I, Stulhofer A. Is pornography use associated with sexual difficulties and dysfunctions among younger heterosexual men?. The journal of sexual medicine. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2015, 12 (5): 1136–139. PMID 25816904. doi:10.1111/jsm.12853.

  • Zimmer, F.; Imhoff, R. Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality (PDF). Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-03-04, 49 (4): 1333–1343 [2020-06-13]. PMC 7145784可免费查阅. PMID 32130561. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-01623-8. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-05-20). 从零阶偏听偏相关系数和多元线性回归可以看出,禁欲的动机主要与态度相关,特别是对自慰的否定态度。尽管禁欲与性欲亢进有关联,但未发现与性行为的标记(如最大性高潮次数)显着相关。较高的节欲动机与自慰,保守主义和宗教信仰过高的感知影响以及对科学的信任度较低有关。我们认为,关于禁欲的研究可以丰富对是否以及如何进行健康自慰的平均频率的理解。(As visible from zero-order correlations and multiple linear regression, motivation for abstinence was mostly associated with attitudinal correlates, specifically the perception of masturbation as unhealthy. While there were associations with hypersexuality, no significant correlation with behavioral markers such as maximum number of orgasms was found. Higher abstinence motivation was related to a higher perceived impact of masturbation, conservatism, and religiosity and to lower trust in science. We argue that research on abstinence from masturbation can enrich the understanding of whether and how average frequencies of healthy behavior are pathologized.)

  • Cowell, Tom. No fapping, please, it's making us ill. 每日电讯报 (London, England: 電訊媒體集團). 2013-09-17 [2015-05-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-10). 那么男人为什么要这样[戒除自慰和色情]做,而当他们这样做时会发生什么呢?可以通过两种方式回答“为什么”:有些人看到慢性自慰中的医学问题,有些人则认为自慰造成了精神问题。(So why are men doing it, and what happens when they do? "Why" can be answered two ways: some see a medical problem in chronic masturbation, others a spiritual one.)

  • Imhoff, Roland; Zimmer, Felix. Men's Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of "reboot" Websites. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2020-04-30. ISSN 0004-0002. PMID 32356083. doi:10.1007/s10508-020-01722-x (英语). 我们最近发表了一篇论文,题为“Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality”(Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020),在这篇论文中我们探讨了人们戒除自慰的原因,为了进行进一步的研究,我们指出了有关该主题的现有论述,并引用了这场论辩中不同主角的理论(如“”和“”的观点)。(We recently published a paper titled "Abstinence from Masturbation and Hypersexuality" (Zimmer & Imhoff, 2020) in which we tried to explore correlates of men's motivation to stay abstinent from masturbation. In motivating the study, we pointed to existing discourses around the topic and cited different protagonists within this debate (e.g., the Web sites "" and "").) 
  • Sigel, Lisa Z. Masturbation: The History of the Great Terror by Jean Stengers; Ann Van Neck; Kathryn Hoffmann. Journal of Social History. Summer 2004, 37 (4): 1065–1066. ISSN 0022-4529. JSTOR 3790078. doi:10.1353/jsh.2004.0065. 斯唐热和凡·内克追踪这起神秘猝死的病因,他们的成果最终在20世纪转变了医学界对自慰的看法——在那时,自慰被认为是这起暴毙的直接原因。但是当两人一开始使用科学方法分析得到的数据之后,发现在大部分自慰的人中只有极少部分人突然暴毙,于是结论变得十分明显:如果大多数人都自慰并且没有精神错乱,虚弱或过早死亡,那么说明自慰根本就不是这些病的病因。于是,对自慰的刻板看法很快失掉了医学界的阵地,后来的家长越来越将自慰看成一种青少年时期的正常生理行为。(Stengers and Van Neck follow the illness to its fairly abrupt demise; they liken the shift to finally seeing the emperor without clothes as doctors began to doubt masturbation as a cause of illness at the turn of the twentieth century. Once doubt set in, scientists began to accumulate statistics about the practice, finding that a large minority and then a large majority of people masturbated. The implications were clear: if most people masturbated and did not experience insanity, debility, and early death, then masturbation could not be held accountable to the etiology that had been assigned it. Masturbation quickly lost its hold over the medical community, and parents followed in making masturbation an ordinary part of first childhood and then human sexuality.) 
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Masturbation: From myth to sexual health. Contemporary Sexuality. March 2003, 37 (3): v. ISSN 1094-5725. OCLC 37229308. 最终,美国医学界不得不在1972年宣布自慰是一种正常的人类行为(Finally, the American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in 1972 American Medical Association publication, Human Sexuality (Rowan, 2000).) 
  • Strassberg, Donald S.; Mackaronis, Julia E.; Perelman, Michael A. Sexual dysfunctions. Blaney, Paul H.; Krueger, Robert F.; Millon, Theodore (编). Oxford textbook of psychopathology Third. NY: Oxford University Press. 2015: 441–442 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-0-19-981177-9. OCLC 879552995. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14).