Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "中国共产党修改历史的质疑" in Chinese language version.
被忽略 (帮助))day-long symposium on the state of Chinese historiography, organized by the Association of Chinese Historians (ACH)... the discussion in another panel of the recent kinder, revisionist approach to the history of the Kuomintang drew vigorous nods of approval and a quickened interest from the audience(英文)
In history, revisionism is generally reserved for those historians who seek to deny that major historical events such as genocides actually took place. The so-called Holocaust-deniers are one example, but there are many others.
In history, revisionism is generally reserved for those historians who seek to deny that major historical events such as genocides actually took place. The so-called Holocaust-deniers are one example, but there are many others.
day-long symposium on the state of Chinese historiography, organized by the Association of Chinese Historians (ACH)... the discussion in another panel of the recent kinder, revisionist approach to the history of the Kuomintang drew vigorous nods of approval and a quickened interest from the audience(英文)
被忽略 (帮助))6.宣揚歷史虛無主義,企圖否定中國共產黨歷史和新中國歷史。歷史虛無主義以“重新評價”為名,歪曲黨的歷史和新中國歷史。主要表現為:否定革命,稱中國共產黨領導的革命“只起破壞性作用”;否定中國選擇社會主義道路的歷史必然性,稱是“誤入歧路”,黨的歷史和新中國歷史是“一系列錯誤的延續”;否定已有定論的歷史事件和歷史人物,貶損革命前輩,詆毀黨的領袖。近來,一些人借毛澤東同志誕辰120周年,否認毛澤東思想的科學價值和指導作用。一些人將改革開放前後兩個歷史時期割裂甚至對立起來,或用改革開放後的歷史時期否定改革開放前的歷史時期,或用改革開放前的歷史時期和否定改革開放後的歷史時期。歷史虛無主義的要害,是企圖通過否定中國共產黨歷史和新中國歷史,從根本上否定中國共產黨的歷史地位和作用,進而否定中國共產黨長期執政的合法性。