Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "日本共產黨" in Chinese language version.
Japanese Communist Party (JCP) operates as a left-wing political party in Japan. ...
Both the LDP and Kibo no To are in favour of constitutional revision, unlike the new left-leaning Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the far-left Japanese Communist Party.
... 개헌에 반대해 온 진보 성향의 일본공산당은 “적 기지에 대한 공격력을 갖추더라도 상대국의 지하나 이동발사대 등 미사일 위치를 모두 파악하고 파괴하는 것은 불가능하다”며 ... [……反对修宪的,进步立场的日本共产党说:“即使拥有对敌方基地的攻击能力,也不可能识别并摧毁对方所有的导弹发射场,如地下或移动发射装置就难以摧毁……]
This trend erodes the traditional support of the “progressive” parties, especially those—as with the JCP —perceived to be on the extreme Left.
Both the LDP and Kibo no To are in favour of constitutional revision, unlike the new left-leaning Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the far-left Japanese Communist Party.
... 개헌에 반대해 온 진보 성향의 일본공산당은 “적 기지에 대한 공격력을 갖추더라도 상대국의 지하나 이동발사대 등 미사일 위치를 모두 파악하고 파괴하는 것은 불가능하다”며 ... [……反对修宪的,进步立场的日本共产党说:“即使拥有对敌方基地的攻击能力,也不可能识别并摧毁对方所有的导弹发射场,如地下或移动发射装置就难以摧毁……]
This trend erodes the traditional support of the “progressive” parties, especially those—as with the JCP —perceived to be on the extreme Left.
Japanese Communist Party (JCP) operates as a left-wing political party in Japan. ...
Both the LDP and Kibo no To are in favour of constitutional revision, unlike the new left-leaning Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the far-left Japanese Communist Party.