"people had been doing rather poorly when they tried to glue together a traditional (privacy-only) encryption scheme and a message authentication code (MAC)", in: M. Bellare; P. Rogaway; D. Wagner. A Conventional Authenticated-Encryption Mode(PDF). NIST. [March 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2011-10-19).
"it is very easy to accidentally combine secure encryption schemes with secure MACs and still get insecure authenticated encryption schemes", in: T. Kohno; J. Viega & D. Whiting. The CWC Authenticated Encryption (Associated Data) Mode(PDF). NIST. [March 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2011-10-19).
"people had been doing rather poorly when they tried to glue together a traditional (privacy-only) encryption scheme and a message authentication code (MAC)", in: M. Bellare; P. Rogaway; D. Wagner. A Conventional Authenticated-Encryption Mode(PDF). NIST. [March 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2011-10-19).
"it is very easy to accidentally combine secure encryption schemes with secure MACs and still get insecure authenticated encryption schemes", in: T. Kohno; J. Viega & D. Whiting. The CWC Authenticated Encryption (Associated Data) Mode(PDF). NIST. [March 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2011-10-19).