Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.26f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche): „One of the most widely known uses of NFTs, in the context of cultural heritage, is the protection and guarantee of artworks, which may encourage the dematerialization and transformation of art itself (...) NFTs assign artworks a digital identity and authenticate their genuine content (...) The owner of each specific right would be immutably recorded in the blocks on the chain.“ Vgl. Dan Patterson: Blockchain company buys and burns Banksy artwork to turn it into a digital original. In: CBS News. 4. März 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch).
Siehe dazu deren Webpräsenz: Abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023.
Siehe Allan Fowler und Johanna Pirker: Tokenfication - The potential of non-fungible tokens (NFT) for game development. In: CHI PLAY '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 15. Oktober 2021, S.154f., doi:10.1145/3450337.3483501. Eine Auflistung aller bisher handelbaren Titel findet sich auf Top Play To Earn Tokens by Market Capitalization. Abgerufen am 2. Januar 2023.
Study of the Facilitation of Money Laundering and Terror Finance Through the Trade in Works of Art. United States Department of the Treasury, 2022, S.27 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023]). Vgl. Olga Kronsteiner: Geldwäsche: Risiko bei NFTs höher als im Kunsthandel. In: Der Standard. 3. April 2022, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023: „Ein tatsächliches Problem ortete die Regulierungsbehörde jedoch bei NFTs. Denn Kriminelle könnten hier selbst Geld waschen: indem sie ein NFT kaufen, es dann an sich selbst mit verschiedenen digitalen Konten weitergeben, um eine Aufzeichnung der Verkäufe auf der Blockchain zu erstellen, bevor sie es an einen ahnungslosen Käufer verkaufen und am anderen Ende wieder sauber herauskommen.“
Valeonti Foteini u. a.: Crypto Collectibles, Museum Funding and OpenGLAM: Challenges, Opportunities and the Potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In: Applied Sciences. Band11, 2021, S.9931, doi:10.3390/app11219931 (englisch).
Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. In: University of Illinois Law Review. 2022, S.20, doi:10.2139/ssrn.4023736 (2023 im University of Illinois Law Review zu veröffentlichendes Preprint).
Joshua A.T. Fairfield: Tokenized: The Law of Non-Fungible Tokens and Unique Digital Property. In: Indiana Law Journal. Band97, Nr.4, 2022, S.1290. Entsprechende Angaben finden sich auch in Charlotte Ducuing: How to Make Sure My Cryptokitties Are Here Forever? The Complementary Roles of Blockchain and the Law to Bring Trust. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation. Band10, Nr.2, 1. Juni 2019, S.329 und passim, doi:10.1017/err.2019.39: „The need for trust does not disappear with the arrival of blockchain. Users also need to authenticate (trust) that an alleged Dapp genuinely is one. (...) blockchain needs the complementary role of the law in order to deliver its promises (...) Failing to find an appropriate mix between the respective operations of blockchain and the law, the article contends that the beneficial innovations expected from public blockchains will not materialise for the general public or may shortly fade away.“ Siehe auch Alesja Serada, Tanja Sihvonen und J. Tuomas Harviainen: CryptoKitties and the New Ludic Economy. How Blockchain Introduces Value, Ownership, and Scarcity in Digital Gaming. In: Games and Culture. Band16, Nr.4, 2020, S.472 und 475, doi:10.1177/1555412019898305: „Even if blockchain minimizes “exploitation” from the side of game publishers, it does the bare minimum to protect ownership rights from perpetrators, hackers, and cheaters. (...) Even though a crypto wallet cannot be physically destroyed, “true ownership” is always endangered by its permanent loss (and eventually set back to centralized institutional support). (...) pseudo true ownership as a by-product of the organization of the blockchain system makes it possible for players to enjoy the idea of anonymous ownership of game tokens even if their ownership is not legally validated outside of the game. The principle of anonymity and delegation of trust to algorithms and open data undermine any possibility of legal protection of full ownership. Therefore, account recovery on a blockchain only becomes possible at the price of deanonymization.“ Vgl. aber Omar Ali u. a.: A review of the key challenges of non-fungible tokens. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Band187, 2023, ISSN0040-1625, S.9, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122248 ( „(...) NFTs present a platform for consumers to showcase digital artefacts with the record of sale and ownership. This is the primary driver for the exponential growth of NFTs. Since NFTs provide a certification of authenticity for digital objects, consumers are attracted to NFTs due to the token it provides to assure customers of the uniqueness of their possession in addition to the sense of ownership and value generated from obtaining something perceived to be very rare.“
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.26f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche): „One of the most widely known uses of NFTs, in the context of cultural heritage, is the protection and guarantee of artworks, which may encourage the dematerialization and transformation of art itself (...) NFTs assign artworks a digital identity and authenticate their genuine content (...) The owner of each specific right would be immutably recorded in the blocks on the chain.“ Vgl. Dan Patterson: Blockchain company buys and burns Banksy artwork to turn it into a digital original. In: CBS News. 4. März 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch).
Zachary Small: Why many art collectors are staying away from the NFT gold rush. In: The Independent. 30. April 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Foteini Valeonti u. a.: Crypto Collectibles, Museum Funding and OpenGLAM: Challenges, Opportunities and the Potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In: Applied Sciences. Band11, Nr.21, 2021, doi:10.3390/app11219931.
Lawrence J. Trautman: Virtual Art and Non-Fungible Tokens. In: Hofstra Law Review. Band50, Nr.361, 2022, S.371, doi:10.2139/ssrn.3814087.
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.28f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.32f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Johnny Diaz: Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over Planned 'Pulp Fiction' NFTs. In: The New York Times. 17. November 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche). mit dortigem Verweis auf Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. 2022, S.41f. ( – Preprint für das University of Illinois Law Review).
Phil Gonserkewitz, Erik Karger und Marvin Jagals: Non-Fungible Tokens: Use Cases of NFTs and Future Research Agenda. In: Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions. Band12, Nr.3, 2022, S.13, doi:10.22495/rgcv12i3p1: „For tickets to events, there is a secondary market where the seller can call an arbitrary price. There is a risk of purchasing invalid tickets. Regular tickets can also be copied and thus sold multiple times, although only one of them is valid. NFTs can guarantee the uniqueness and authenticity of the tickets“
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.34, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Phil Gonserkewitz, Erik Karger und Marvin Jagals: Non-Fungible Tokens: Use Cases of NFTs and Future Research Agenda. In: Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions. Band12, Nr.3, 2022, S.13, doi:10.22495/rgcv12i3p1: „NFT video games can be divided into classic video games that make use of NFTs and blockchain-based video games. Blockchain-based video games have NFT usage at their core, and an economy is emerging around the game. (...) In classic video games, NFTs serve as add-ons, such as in Ubisoft‘s Ghost Recon Breakpoint, where NFTs enable cosmetic changes in the game.“
Siehe Allan Fowler und Johanna Pirker: Tokenfication - The potential of non-fungible tokens (NFT) for game development. In: CHI PLAY '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. 15. Oktober 2021, S.154f., doi:10.1145/3450337.3483501. Eine Auflistung aller bisher handelbaren Titel findet sich auf Top Play To Earn Tokens by Market Capitalization. Abgerufen am 2. Januar 2023.
Nicola Jones: How scientists are embracing NFTs. In: Nature. Band594, 18. Juni 2021, S.481―482, doi:10.1038/d41586-021-01642-3.
Siehe dazu die Angaben in Nicola Jones: How scientists are embracing NFTs. In: Nature. Band594, 18. Juni 2021, S.482, doi:10.1038/d41586-021-01642-3.
Kristin Kostick-Quenet u. a.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. In: Science. Band375, Nr.6580, 3. Februar 2022, S.500―502, doi:10.1126/science.abm2004.
Kristin Kostick-Quenet u. a.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. In: Science. Band375, Nr.6580, 3. Februar 2022, S.500, doi:10.1126/science.abm2004.
Sebastian Porsdam Mann u. a.: Blockchain, consent and prosent for medical research. In: Journal of Medical Ethics. Band47, Nr.4, 2021, S.251―252, doi:10.1136/medethics-2019-105963.
Siehe Vasiliki Nataly Rahimzadeh: Pros and cons of prosent as an alternative to traditional consent in medical research. In: Journal of Medical Ethics. Band47, Nr.4, 2021, S.244―250, doi:10.1136/medethics-2020-106443.
Kristin Kostick-Quenet u. a.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. In: Science. Band375, Nr.6580, 3. Februar 2022, S.501, doi:10.1126/science.abm2004.
Kristin Kostick-Quenet u. a.: How NFTs could transform health information exchange. In: Science. Band375, Nr.6580, 3. Februar 2022, S.501f., doi:10.1126/science.abm2004.
Luca Petrigna und Giuseppe Musumeci: The Metaverse: A New Challenge for the Healthcare System: A Scoping Review. In: Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK ). Band7, Nr.3, 30. August 2022, S.8f., doi:10.3390/jfmk7030063.
Stephane Doyen und Nicholas B. Dadario: 12 Plagues of AI in Healthcare: A Practical Guide to Current Issues With Using Machine Learning in a Medical Context. In: Frontiers in Digital Health. Band4, 3. Mai 2022, S.5, doi:10.3389/fdgth.2022.76540.
Ioannis Skalidis u. a.: CardioVerse: The cardiovascular medicine in the era of Metaverse. In: Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. 11. Mai 2022, doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2022.05.004.
Ioannis Skalidis u. a.: CardioVerse: The cardiovascular medicine in the era of Metaverse. In: Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. 11. Mai 2022, doi:10.1016/j.tcm.2022.05.004. Dort mit Verweis auf Hemang Subramanian, Susmitha Subramanian: Improving Diagnosis Through Digital Pathology: Proof-of-Concept Implementation Using Smart Contracts and Decentralized File Storage. In: Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). Band24, Nr.3, 28. März 2022, doi:10.2196/34207.
Siehe F. Chiacchio u. a.: Non-Fungible Token Solution for the Track and Trace of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. In: Applied Sciences. Band12, Nr.8, 15. April 2022, doi:10.3390/app12084019.
F. Chiacchio u. a.: Non-Fungible Token Solution for the Track and Trace of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. In: Applied Sciences. Band12, Nr.8, 15. April 2022, S.6―20, doi:10.3390/app12084019.
F. Chiacchio u. a.: Non-Fungible Token Solution for the Track and Trace of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. In: Applied Sciences. Band12, Nr.8, 15. April 2022, S.11f., doi:10.3390/app12084019.
F. Chiacchio u. a.: Non-Fungible Token Solution for the Track and Trace of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. In: Applied Sciences. Band12, Nr.8, 15. April 2022, S.20, doi:10.3390/app12084019.
Siehe dazu:
Sotiris P. Gayialis u. a.: A Business Process Reference Model for the Development of a Wine Traceability System. In: Sustainability. Band14, Nr.18, 17. September 2022, S.3, doi:10.3390/su141811687.
Senay A. Gebreab u. a.: NFT-Based Traceability and Ownership Management of Medical Devices. In: Sustainability. Band14, Nr.18, 17. September 2022, doi:10.3390/su141811687.
Senay A. Gebreab u. a.: NFT-Based Traceability and Ownership Management of Medical Devices. In: Sustainability. Band14, Nr.18, 17. September 2022, S.126398 sowie 126409, doi:10.3390/su141811687.
Siehe unter Angabe weiterführender Sekundärliteratur Sotiris P. Gayialis u. a.: A Business Process Reference Model for the Development of a Wine Traceability System. In: Sustainability. Band14, Nr.18, 17. September 2022, S.3, doi:10.3390/su141811687. Vgl. Wenlong Guo u. a.: Reputation-Based Blockchain for Spatial Crowdsourcing in Vehicular Networks. In: Applied Sciences. Band12, Nr.21, 31. Oktober 2022, S.3, doi:10.3390/app122111049. Siehe auch Michał Bajor, Marcin Niemiec: An Asynchronous AAA Blockchain-Based Protocol for Configuring Information Systems. In: Energies. Band15, Nr.18, 6. September 2022, S.3, doi:10.3390/en15186516.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6. Vgl. Haya R. Hasan u. a.: Incorporating Registration, Reputation, and Incentivization Into the NFT Ecosystem. In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Access. Band10, 19. Juli 2022, S.76417, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3192388: „The paper describes the solution’s various layers, which include storage, authentication, verification, blockchain, and the application layer. The authors focused on utilizing NFTs to protect intellectual properties. Their framework is theoretical and can be improved upon by adding a programmable logic implementation using smart contracts.“
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.4–6, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.6f., doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.7–9, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.9f., doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.10, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Seyed Mojtaba Hosseini Bamakan u. a.: Patents and intellectual property assets as non-fungible tokens; key technologies and challenges. In: Scientific Reports. Band12, 9. Februar 2022, S.10f., doi:10.1038/s41598-022-05920-6.
Siehe dazu Hong Bao, David Roubaud: Non-Fungible Token: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Band15, Nr.5, 2022, ISSN1911-8074, doi:10.3390/jrfm15050215 (
Zur dahingehenden Rolle von NFTs siehe Phil Gonserkewitz, Erik Karger und Marvin Jagals: Non-Fungible Tokens: Use Cases of NFTs and Future Research Agenda. In: Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions. Band12, Nr.3, 2022, S.13, doi:10.22495/rgcv12i3p1. Vgl. Saeed Banaeian Far u. a.: A Review of Non-fungible Tokens Applications in the Real-world and Metaverse. In: Procedia Computer Science. Band214, 2022, S.759―761, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2022.11.238.
Patent US10505726B1: System and method for providing cryptographically secured digital assets. Angemeldet am 28. Mai 2019, veröffentlicht am 10. Dezember 2019, Anmelder: Nike Inc, Erfinder: Christopher Andon et Al.
Taylor Tepper: Binance.US Review 2022. In: Forbes Advisor. 27. Mai 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch).
Bill Rosenblatt: Year-End Data Portends More Music NFTs At Vinyl-Like Prices. In: Forbes. Abgerufen am 2. Januar 2023 (englisch): „It’s likely that the growth in musical artists’ NFT activity will continue in the coming year, as tools and services make it easier to mint NFTs, fees continue to drop, and the contents of NFT packages continue to converge on experiences that not only resonate with fans but also differentiate themselves from other music experiences (streaming, vinyl, MP3 downloads, etc.).“
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.26f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche): „One of the most widely known uses of NFTs, in the context of cultural heritage, is the protection and guarantee of artworks, which may encourage the dematerialization and transformation of art itself (...) NFTs assign artworks a digital identity and authenticate their genuine content (...) The owner of each specific right would be immutably recorded in the blocks on the chain.“ Vgl. Dan Patterson: Blockchain company buys and burns Banksy artwork to turn it into a digital original. In: CBS News. 4. März 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.28f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.32f., doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Johnny Diaz: Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over Planned 'Pulp Fiction' NFTs. In: The New York Times. 17. November 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche). mit dortigem Verweis auf Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. 2022, S.41f. ( – Preprint für das University of Illinois Law Review).
Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.34, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche).
Zachary Small: Why many art collectors are staying away from the NFT gold rush. In: The Independent. 30. April 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Foteini Valeonti u. a.: Crypto Collectibles, Museum Funding and OpenGLAM: Challenges, Opportunities and the Potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). In: Applied Sciences. Band11, Nr.21, 2021, doi:10.3390/app11219931.
Siehe dazu Hong Bao, David Roubaud: Non-Fungible Token: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Band15, Nr.5, 2022, ISSN1911-8074, doi:10.3390/jrfm15050215 (
Johnny Diaz: Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over Planned 'Pulp Fiction' NFTs. In: The New York Times. 17. November 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche). mit dortigem Verweis auf Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. 2022, S.41f. ( – Preprint für das University of Illinois Law Review).
Allison Owen, Isabella Chase: NFTs: A New Frontier for Money Laundering? In: Royal United Services Institute. 2. Dezember 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch): „Along with the risks stemming from cryptocurrency usage, money launderers can exploit the trade and sale of NFTs in a similar way to which they exploit physical art.“
Allison Owen, Isabella Chase: NFTs: A New Frontier for Money Laundering? In: Royal United Services Institute. 2. Dezember 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch): „With the development of guidance for KYC best practices, strong cyber security measures and a stolen art registry, many of the money-laundering risks of NFTs can be mitigated without restricting the growth of this new market. Implementation of these techniques will ensure that consumers can trade freely within the market without the fear of purchasing a forged NFT or having a token stolen.“
Joshua A.T. Fairfield: Tokenized: The Law of Non-Fungible Tokens and Unique Digital Property. In: Indiana Law Journal. Band97, Nr.4, 2022, S.1290. Entsprechende Angaben finden sich auch in Charlotte Ducuing: How to Make Sure My Cryptokitties Are Here Forever? The Complementary Roles of Blockchain and the Law to Bring Trust. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation. Band10, Nr.2, 1. Juni 2019, S.329 und passim, doi:10.1017/err.2019.39: „The need for trust does not disappear with the arrival of blockchain. Users also need to authenticate (trust) that an alleged Dapp genuinely is one. (...) blockchain needs the complementary role of the law in order to deliver its promises (...) Failing to find an appropriate mix between the respective operations of blockchain and the law, the article contends that the beneficial innovations expected from public blockchains will not materialise for the general public or may shortly fade away.“ Siehe auch Alesja Serada, Tanja Sihvonen und J. Tuomas Harviainen: CryptoKitties and the New Ludic Economy. How Blockchain Introduces Value, Ownership, and Scarcity in Digital Gaming. In: Games and Culture. Band16, Nr.4, 2020, S.472 und 475, doi:10.1177/1555412019898305: „Even if blockchain minimizes “exploitation” from the side of game publishers, it does the bare minimum to protect ownership rights from perpetrators, hackers, and cheaters. (...) Even though a crypto wallet cannot be physically destroyed, “true ownership” is always endangered by its permanent loss (and eventually set back to centralized institutional support). (...) pseudo true ownership as a by-product of the organization of the blockchain system makes it possible for players to enjoy the idea of anonymous ownership of game tokens even if their ownership is not legally validated outside of the game. The principle of anonymity and delegation of trust to algorithms and open data undermine any possibility of legal protection of full ownership. Therefore, account recovery on a blockchain only becomes possible at the price of deanonymization.“ Vgl. aber Omar Ali u. a.: A review of the key challenges of non-fungible tokens. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Band187, 2023, ISSN0040-1625, S.9, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122248 ( „(...) NFTs present a platform for consumers to showcase digital artefacts with the record of sale and ownership. This is the primary driver for the exponential growth of NFTs. Since NFTs provide a certification of authenticity for digital objects, consumers are attracted to NFTs due to the token it provides to assure customers of the uniqueness of their possession in addition to the sense of ownership and value generated from obtaining something perceived to be very rare.“
Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. 2022, S.36, 39f. und 43 ( – Preprint für das University of Illinois Law Review): „Using NFTs, artists now have the option of choosing to require a resale royalty for every resale of their NFTs. (...) Another way in which NFTs have changed the traditional contours of copyright is to
diminish the significance of unauthorized copies and unauthorized derivative works. (...) By creating a new IP in the form of an NFT, authenticated on blockchain and whose value derives in its uniqueness, NFTs have made unauthorized copies and
unauthorized derivative work less significant. In short, the unauthorized copies do not substitute for
the authentic NFT. (...) NFTs have the potential to disrupt the market dominance of industry gatekeepers and intermediaries—in effect, to open the gates to commercialization. NFTs can be used sources of funding or patronage—bypassing the need for a gatekeeper.“
Johnny Diaz: Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino Over Planned 'Pulp Fiction' NFTs. In: The New York Times. 17. November 2021, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch). Vgl. Andrea Sestino, Gianluigi Guido, Alessandro M. Peluso: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Examining the Impact on Consumers and Marketing Strategies. 1. Auflage. Palgrave, 2022, S.33, doi:10.1007/978-3-031-07203-1 (eingeschränkte Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche). mit dortigem Verweis auf Edward Lee: NFTs as Decentralized Intellectual Property. 2022, S.41f. ( – Preprint für das University of Illinois Law Review).
Englischsprachiger Originalwortlaut: „values of creative inclusion and playing together.“ Siehe Josh Taylor: Minecraft developers won't allow NFTs on gaming platform. In: the Guardian. 21. Juli 2022, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch).
Study of the Facilitation of Money Laundering and Terror Finance Through the Trade in Works of Art. United States Department of the Treasury, 2022, S.27 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023]). Vgl. Olga Kronsteiner: Geldwäsche: Risiko bei NFTs höher als im Kunsthandel. In: Der Standard. 3. April 2022, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023: „Ein tatsächliches Problem ortete die Regulierungsbehörde jedoch bei NFTs. Denn Kriminelle könnten hier selbst Geld waschen: indem sie ein NFT kaufen, es dann an sich selbst mit verschiedenen digitalen Konten weitergeben, um eine Aufzeichnung der Verkäufe auf der Blockchain zu erstellen, bevor sie es an einen ahnungslosen Käufer verkaufen und am anderen Ende wieder sauber herauskommen.“
Study of the Facilitation of Money Laundering and Terror Finance Through the Trade in Works of Art. United States Department of the Treasury, 2022, S.26 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023]).
Treasury Releases Study on Illicit Finance in the High-Value Art Market. In: U.S. Department of the Treasury. 4. Februar 2022, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023 (englisch): „The study found that while there is some evidence of money laundering risk in the high-value art market, there was limited evidence of terrorist financing risk. (...) the emerging digital art market, such as the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), may present new risks, depending on the structure and market incentives.“
Entsprechend: Saskia Littmann: Geldwäscher entdecken den NFT-Markt. In: Wirtschaftswoche. 5. Februar 2022, abgerufen am 3. Januar 2023: „Generell spielt Geldwäsche auch bei NFTs eine immer größere Rolle. Das liegt auch daran, dass die Finanzaufsicht diese Märkte noch nicht so stark kontrolliert wie andere Teile des Finanzmarkts. Aber allein im vierten Quartal des vergangenen Jahres flossen laut Chainalysis mehr als 1,3 Millionen gewaschene Dollar in den NFT-Markt. Es dürfte also nur eine Frage der Zeit sein, bis Regulierer auch für den Handel mit den virtuellen Gütern strengere Regeln in Betracht ziehen.“
Joshua A.T. Fairfield: Tokenized: The Law of Non-Fungible Tokens and Unique Digital Property. In: Indiana Law Journal. Band97, Nr.4, 2022, S.1290. Entsprechende Angaben finden sich auch in Charlotte Ducuing: How to Make Sure My Cryptokitties Are Here Forever? The Complementary Roles of Blockchain and the Law to Bring Trust. In: European Journal of Risk Regulation. Band10, Nr.2, 1. Juni 2019, S.329 und passim, doi:10.1017/err.2019.39: „The need for trust does not disappear with the arrival of blockchain. Users also need to authenticate (trust) that an alleged Dapp genuinely is one. (...) blockchain needs the complementary role of the law in order to deliver its promises (...) Failing to find an appropriate mix between the respective operations of blockchain and the law, the article contends that the beneficial innovations expected from public blockchains will not materialise for the general public or may shortly fade away.“ Siehe auch Alesja Serada, Tanja Sihvonen und J. Tuomas Harviainen: CryptoKitties and the New Ludic Economy. How Blockchain Introduces Value, Ownership, and Scarcity in Digital Gaming. In: Games and Culture. Band16, Nr.4, 2020, S.472 und 475, doi:10.1177/1555412019898305: „Even if blockchain minimizes “exploitation” from the side of game publishers, it does the bare minimum to protect ownership rights from perpetrators, hackers, and cheaters. (...) Even though a crypto wallet cannot be physically destroyed, “true ownership” is always endangered by its permanent loss (and eventually set back to centralized institutional support). (...) pseudo true ownership as a by-product of the organization of the blockchain system makes it possible for players to enjoy the idea of anonymous ownership of game tokens even if their ownership is not legally validated outside of the game. The principle of anonymity and delegation of trust to algorithms and open data undermine any possibility of legal protection of full ownership. Therefore, account recovery on a blockchain only becomes possible at the price of deanonymization.“ Vgl. aber Omar Ali u. a.: A review of the key challenges of non-fungible tokens. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Band187, 2023, ISSN0040-1625, S.9, doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2022.122248 ( „(...) NFTs present a platform for consumers to showcase digital artefacts with the record of sale and ownership. This is the primary driver for the exponential growth of NFTs. Since NFTs provide a certification of authenticity for digital objects, consumers are attracted to NFTs due to the token it provides to assure customers of the uniqueness of their possession in addition to the sense of ownership and value generated from obtaining something perceived to be very rare.“
Siehe dazu Hong Bao, David Roubaud: Non-Fungible Token: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. In: Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Band15, Nr.5, 2022, ISSN1911-8074, doi:10.3390/jrfm15050215 (