Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Bleiburg repatriations" in English language version.
the 5th Corps of the 8th British Army was well aware that the Partisans of the Yugoslav Army were trying to prevent the refugees from defecting to the British at the Carinthian Drava by all available means ... also with killings. .... Thus the British representatives ... should have been clear in their minds as to the fate that those 'repatriated' would meet in Yugoslavia.
It was originally estimated that at least 200,000 people were killed... Subsequent studies, however, concluded that the death toll was actually about 100,000.
... o žrtvah obstaja le ocena, sam menim, da je manjša, kolikšna, ne vem. Gotovo pa nekaj deset tisoč. ... od konca vojne pa do januarja 1946 pomorjenih okrog 14.000 Slovencev. Med njimi je bilo okrog 1100 civilistov, preostali so v glavnem pripadniki slovenskega domobranstva in maloštevilni četniki.
German plans for ethnocide against Slovenes during the Second World War therefore had three essential elements, namely: (1) mass expulsion of Slovenians, (2) mass colonization of Germans on Slovenian territory, (3) complete Germanization of the rest of the population