Fang Chih (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Fang Chih" in English language version.

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  • "第一节 人物传". 90 Songyang County Chronicle. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2015. 史迁(1902——1943),原名谦,字益吾,今破罡乡人。史迁早失父母,由兄嫂抚养。自幼爱读书,在小学时,即能作文章。少长,怀有大志,认为中国社会必须彻底改革,将来建设工业最为重要。民国13年(1924年),毕业于安徽省立芜湖甲种工业学校。次年春,与王步文、童长荣、余大化、房斌等东渡日本,考入东京铁道专门学校。民国15年,在东京加入中国共产党。在此期间,他与王步文等同留日学生中的"西巢鸭派"(即"西山会议派")方治、"青年会派"中的右派汪精卫作坚决斗争。

  • 汪, 军. "我的族兄汪少伦". 民国版《中国之路》封面. Retrieved 6 November 2015. 多年前金杏村老人在世时,和我聊起桐城籍国民党官僚方治,此人曾担任过国民党中宣部代理部长,娶的老婆是日本人,两个儿子一个叫方光龙,一个叫方光虎,无论是相貌还是读书,特别优秀,给金杏村老人留下了深刻的印象。2004年我们高林汪氏开始修谱,推举我任主编,一次我翻阅资料,见有一户人家几个子女都是清一色的留美医科博士,且名字都挺欧化,非常惊讶,再一看,原来他们都是汪少伦子女。看来,身为教育家的汪少伦教子有方。不管是方治也好,汪少伦也好,章伯钧也好,桐城人教育子女确实有一套功夫。

  • "方治其人" (PDF). 中国社会科学院近代史研究所. 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 November 2015. Retrieved 9 November 2015.

  • "Tongcheng School". China Culture. Archived from the original on 2 December 2008. Retrieved 14 October 2015. The Tongcheng School is the most distinguished among the mid-Qing Dynasty schools of literature. Its representative writers include Fang Bao, Liu Dakui and Yao Nai, who are all natives of Tongcheng County in Anhui Province, hence the name Tongcheng School.

  • "Tongcheng School of Literature". Anhui China Daily. 11 July 2013. Retrieved 14 October 2015. Fang Bao (1668-1749) carried on the tradition of Gui Youguang's works and made Yi Fa (Yi refers to the central ideas of an article

  • "桐城会宫方氏". Fangshi Wang. 6 September 2010. Retrieved 11 November 2015. 方荃,字培卿。清末举人,贵州铜仁镇远兴义知府。方治(1893——1989),字希孔,荃从子。方治2岁丧父,随母张氏就养于外婆家。从小读蒙学,奋发向上。后入安徽省立第一中学,毕业后负笈东渡日本,考入东京高等师范。毕业后,该校升格为文理科大学,他又留校研读2年。民国16年(1927年),学成回国,从事国民党军内政治、党务和教育工作。北伐期间,他奔走于鄂、赣、湘、闽之间。蒋介石赏识他的才能,特召见奖拔,先后任国民党独立第四师政治部主任,福建、安徽、青岛、南京等省、市党部委员,国民党中央执行委员、宣传部副部长、代理部长等职。抗日战争期间,国民党政府逃往重庆,方治受命任安徽省政府委员兼教育厅长。嗣后由皖进渝,任教育部训导委员会主任委员、重庆市国民党党部主任委员。抗日战争胜利后,民国35年任国民党上海市党部主任委员,同年任国民党代表大会代表。民国38年解放军渡江,进军上海,他和汤恩伯登舰去台湾。方治去台后,历任国民党国策顾问,'中国大陆灾胞救济总会'总干事长、秘书长、副理事长等职。在台期间,常以'救济会'的名义游说于香港、越南、东南亚各地及泰国和中国接壤的边陲地区,进行反共宣传,策划反共活动。1953年抗美援朝战争中,方治又亲往南朝鲜,威逼、引诱、强迫中国人民志愿军一部分被俘人员去台湾。1989年,方治卒于台湾,其骨灰葬在日本的琉球岛上。

  • MacLeod, Lijia (28 June 2000). "China's Korean War POWs find you can't go home again". Japan Times. Retrieved 8 January 2016. Yet these were the patriots. Zhang and the rest of the aging chorus in Wuhan last month were among some 6,000 captured Chinese soldiers who insisted on returning home; over 14,000 fellow POWs preferred exile in Taiwan. The POW dilemma deadlocked peace negotiations that began in July 1951. The protagonists finally signed an armistice in July 1953, though a peace treaty still eludes the divided peninsula.

  • Summary of Proceedings: UNHCR Tuesday, January 12th, 196O (PDF) (Report). United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 12 January 1960. p. 12. Retrieved 24 November 2015. The needs of the Tibetan refugees, most of whom fled their country at the beginning of the World Refugee Year, were brought before the Conference by Mr. Fang Chih (Republic of China) and Mgr. MacCarthy NCWC).
  • "Summary of Proceedings" (PDF). United Nations. 26 January 1960. Retrieved 27 January 2016. The needs of the Tibetan refugees, most of whom fled their country at the beginning of the World Refugee Year, were brought before the Conference by Mr. Fang Chih (Republic of China) and Mgr. MacCarthy NCWC).
  • "Summary of Proceedings" (PDF). United Nations. 26 January 1960. Retrieved 27 January 2016. Mr. Fang Chih, Chinese National Committee, and Pastor Stumpf, Hong Kong, presented the needs of the Chinese refugees.

  • "揭秘:蒋介石是如何让日本战犯帮其打内战的". lcxun. 13 February 2016. Archived from the original on 6 August 2016. Retrieved 8 June 2016. 汤恩伯还说:"根本博、吉川源三到台后被陈诚安置在北投警察署招待所住了很长时间,那里条件甚差,既无事可做,又无人关照他们,他们意见甚大,见到军政要员就怨声载道。蒋总裁听说后,很同情他们,将他们交给我,要我好好招待他们,并要我认真倾听他们的意见,发挥他们的军事专长。对这几个日本人,我只有按蒋总裁的指示办。" 雷、方二人不知此事的内情,没有表示任何意见。日本战犯帮助制定金厦防卫方案, 此后,根本博、吉川源三等七人跟随汤恩伯到了厦门、金门,还帮助汤恩伯制定了厦门、金门的防卫计划。

  • "沖縄の文化には、日本の文化と、中国の文化が、融合している所があります。". (in Japanese). Mazba. 10 April 2011. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 28 October 2015. 恩納村前兼久にある、陵墓の丘にあがってみます。陵墓の丘からは、前兼久の海が見えます。このお墓の上の方に、台湾から来た沖縄を切り開いた先駆者の銅像・顕彰碑があります。方治先生の銅像です。方治先生は、戦後の琉球の経済・教育・文化の発展に尽力した人です。この方が沖縄を開いたのです。具体的には、沖縄の特産物であるパイナップルやバナナの苗をうまく斡旋し、その生産の技術指導や台湾の留学生を受け入れ人的交流などを盛んに行いました。 沖縄と台湾の交流の窓口となった人です。周りをみるととても美しい景色です。山頂部には別荘がそびえています。こうして名を遂げて銅像・顕彰碑を作るとその後の維持・管理、 草を刈る、道をふさぐものを綺麗にするという事は、その後の子孫の仕事になります。子孫がきちんとしてくれないと、草に埋もれてしまうこともあります。

  • "This Month In Free China". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). 1 October 1976. Archived from the original on 24 November 2015. Retrieved 24 November 2015. Fang Chih, vice president of the Free China Relief Association, turns over relief rations for mainland earthquake victims to the defense departments that arranged delivery from free floating balloons.

  • "Reds Near Last Shanghai Lines". The Escanaba Daily Press. 24 May 1949. Retrieved 8 January 2016. Reds Near Last Shanghai Lines; (City Tottering Point from Page One) ... The Communists smashed almost into Shanghai today. At nightfall evidence mounted that Nationalist forces were on the verge of abandoning the city. The hardest Red blows were directed at the southwestern section, where the Red drive pulled up at the famed 35 mile wooden fence, a smash that carried the Reds through Shanghai's defenses in some spots. Vessels were sunk deliberately in the Whangpoo, Shanghai's shipping lifeline. The channel to the Yangtze was blocked, a move likely to be made as a last resort before the Nationalists pulled out. Troops in large numbers seemed to be heading for Woosung, logical point to board outward bound ships. Wooden Fence Holds Shanghai was rife with rumors. One said the Reds were in the old French concession. But at 4 pm I visited the defenses on Hungjao road, other city entrances along the railroad and Lunghwa airfield. The whole arc was a scene of crowded confusion. But Nationalist defenses, while battered, had not broken. The Reds definitely were not inside Shanghai. Some Nationalist troops were moving back. Most of them were supply units which move to and fro constantly. From these forward areas few units were leaving... riflemen moved up along with armored vehicles. The fact the Communists reached the wooden fence means that they got through most of Shanghai's southwestern defenses. But at that point their attack seems to have bogged down and the Reds fell back. As a result they are still only part of the way through the hard crust of the southwestern defenses. They might be able to break through with another punch unless the Nationalists can counterattack. Shipping Blocked, Three small tankers in the Whangpoo. just off The Bund, were sunk by Nationalists to block off part of the channel and a section of the docks. One of two old riverboats was sunk purposely in the same area. Every building in the city flew Nationalist flags. Garrison officials said this was a "spontaneous" celebration of the people of the "gallant" defense of Shanghai. It was believed widely that the police circulated through the city last night and ordered all to display the Nationalist colors before today's victory parade. Fang Chih, secretary general of the garrison political council, said Shanghai's defenders would hold out to the end. He said the city would be defended street by street if necessary, even if it meant destruction of Shanghai, a city of 5,000,000. Fang said the Reds had lost 60,000 dead and wounded; 4.500 prisoners and 500 machine guns in besieging Shanghai. The Reds have suffered five casualties for every one sustained by the Nationalists, he said. (Chinese war figures are often exaggerated). (Communist radio in Peiping broadcast that a bulletin of "great importance" will be announced tomorrow. There was no hint as to the contents of the bulletin.) The Communist radio last night said Red positions on the east bank of the Whangpoo at Shanghai were so strong that river traffic was blocked.
  • "11 Red Junks And Gunboats Sunk in Raids". Oshkosh Daily Northwestern. Taipeh. 28 September 1954. p. 2. Retrieved 11 November 2015. Taipeh, Formosa U.P.)--Chinese Nationalist P47 Thunderbolts flying through heavy typhoon weather sank 11 Communist junks and gunboats and damaged scores more today in raids off the coast of Fukien Province near Amoy Island. Nationalist air force headquarters said the Reds apparently were massing their junk fleets under the cover of the typhoon. The Nationalist navy began a stepped-up patrol action off the coast in an attempt to discover other concentrations of Communist vessels. A Nationalist relief official said the Communist shelling of Quemoy Island has caused the death of 27 Civilians and rendered 1,465 Civilians homeless. Fang Chih, Secretary
  • "Chinese Refugees Stranded In Laos". Tucson Daily Citizen. 4 August 1959. Retrieved 27 January 2016 – via Some 8,000 Chinese refugees from Red China are now stranded in Laos, the secretary-general of the Free China Relief Assn. reported today. Fang Chih, who recently visited the refugees, said they were tribesmen from mountainous regions of Yunnan Province. He said they fled in rebellion against the Communists' commune system. He reported the refugees are living in sheds or tents in the mountains and are in dire need of food, housing, clothes, medicines, farm tool and seeds.

  • NICK 锐立 (18 February 2013). "In Mae Salong, Home of the KMT's 'Forgotten' 93rd Division, Watching CCTV". Wordpress. Retrieved 24 November 2015. This is a home of the survivors and descendents of the Guomindang's (KMT) 93rd Division, a component of General Li Mi's 15,000-strong 13th Army of Yunnan Province that retreated to the border of British Burma in 1948-9. Initially supported by the CIA and the KMT government in Taiwan, Li proclaimed an independent Shan state after Burma's independence, and dedicated his "Anti-Communist National Salvation Army" to the eventual overthrow of the PRC. He was able to "recruit" local chiefs and thousands of tribesmen into his force, and benefited from the fact that Burma was fighting four other insurgencies, two of them communist, at the time. During the Korean War, his army attempted to invade Yunnan no less than seven times. But as the politics of Southeast Asia became increasingly hostile to western imperialism, it became clear to the US that the KMT's presence there was doing more harm than good for the anti-communist cause. Reluctantly, the Taiwan government repatriated General Li and 7,000 of his troops to Taiwan in 1953. But nearly 10,000 remained. They stayed, living out the rest of the decade in the jungles of eastern Shan state, receiving a dwindling stream of supplies from Taiwan, and fighting the Burmese government's increasingly capable forces. By 1960, the gig was up: Burmese Premier U Nu and Chinese Prime Minister Zhou Enlai negotiated the delineation of their undefined border, and joined their forces in an attempt to annihilate this leftover remnant of the Chinese Civil War.
  • NICK 锐立 (18 February 2013). "In Mae Salong, Home of the KMT's 'Forgotten' 93rd Division, Watching CCTV". Wordpress. Retrieved 24 November 2015. In the subsequent fighting, dubbed the 'Chinese-Burma Border Survey Security Campaign' 中缅边境勘界警卫作战, the 'lost division' escaped annihilation but were pushed out of their sanctuary. Under General Tuan Shiwen, about 4,000 of them turned south. In 1961, they arrived across the Thai border. They were given sanctuary, but on one condition: they had to help Thailand in the north fight its own growing communist insurgencies. The army was not well-supplied. Support from their former government in Taiwan had stopped, and the Thai government was wary to provide them with too much. Meanwhile, the hilltops of Mae Salong, where they settled among the native hill tribes, could not produce nearly as much food as their former home in Burma. So they did what plenty of other Chinese armies under corrupt, unsavory warlords in the 20th Century had done (including Mao's), and started growing opium. Soon, as major players in the trade coming out of the Golden Triangle, the leaders of Mae Salong would contribute much to the boom in worldwide heroin supply (and addiction) in the 1960s and 1970s.

  • Halpin, Dennis P. (16 November 2015). "Could North Korea again save Taiwan?". NK News. Retrieved 17 November 2015. Truman's successor, Dwight Eisenhower, went even further. Not only did he fulfill the pledge "I shall go to Korea" to help end the conflict there but his administration resisted Chinese pressure in armistice negotiations by allowing two-thirds of the 21,000 Chinese POWs to resettle in Taiwan rather than being forcibly repatriated to mainland China. A U.S. mutual defense treaty with Taiwan was signed in 1954 and Congress expressed its solidarity in defending Taiwan by passing the Formosa Resolution in 1955. After provoking a further crisis with the shelling of the offshore islands of Kinmen and Matsu which figured prominently in a Kennedy-Nixon presidential debate in 1960, Mao backed off, turning inward to the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. The North Korean-provoked war had indeed saved Taiwan.

  • "Suppress-Reds rally in Shanghai". The Singapore Free Press. 6 August 1948. Retrieved 8 January 2016. A large rebel suppression propaganda rally was held in Shanghai this week attended by many civil leaders and Government officials. Speeches were made by the Mayor, K.C. Wu, the Director of the Shanghai Kuomintang Headquarters Fang Chih, and the chairman of the City Council, Pan Kung-chan. Mr. Pan said the position of China in the community of nations had deteriorated considerable, mainly because of the Communist rebellion of the past three years. He pointed out that what the Reds had done was entirely against the national interests. The war, Mr. Pan said, was forced upon the Government because the Government wanted to preserve national independence and unity. Mr. Pan called for all-out support by the people of the Government's war effort. Mayor Wu pointed out that the Communists were plotting intrigues with the International, and urged all citizens to contribute their share either in money or in strength towards the cause of rebel suppression.

  • "Defecting Chinese Pilot Flies MIG-19 to Taiwan". The New York Times. 14 November 1983. Retrieved 23 November 2015. Taipei, Taiwan, Monday, Nov. 14— A Chinese Air Force pilot flew a MIG-19 jet fighter to Taiwan today and asked for political asylum, the Defense Ministry reported. He was the second Chinese Air Force pilot to defect this year. The Nationalist Chinese Government on Taiwan has a standing reward of gold worth millions of dollars for any pilot in the Communist Chinese Air Force who defects with his warplane. The amount depends on the type of plane. A Defense Ministry spokesman identified the pilot as Wang Xuechen, 26 years old, but did not give his military rank.
  • "I.M. Pei Rediscovers China". The New York Times. 6 February 1983. Retrieved 16 February 2017.

  • "美国为什么不轰炸日本皇宫". People's Daily. 21 March 2015. Retrieved 9 November 2015. 1938年5月19日深夜,中国空军轰炸机中队2架美制国马丁-B10(即马丁-139WC 型的外销型号)从宁波机场起飞,于次日凌晨2时许飞抵长崎,然后依次飞往福冈、久留米、佐贺、佐世保等其它九州城市,沿途投下的却并不是炸弹,而是——传单,这些传单是由中央宣传部副部长方治及其日裔夫人、军委会政治部第三厅厅长郭沫若和日本反战作家鹿地亘撰写和翻译,包括《告日本国民书》、《告日本工人书》、《告日本农民大众书》、《告日本士兵书》、《告日本全体劳动者书》、《告日本工商者书》等好几种,还有日本反战同盟编写的《反战同盟告日本士兵书》、《一桩真实事》两种,总数达百万份之多。2架轰炸机在九州上空飞行约两小时后返航,于8时45分在南昌机场降落,加油后再飞返汉口,人机均无损失。

  • "蒋介石拟建10万"中日义勇军"反攻大陆". Tencent. 3 July 2013. Archived from the original on 21 August 2016. Retrieved 8 July 2016. 3月份,蒋氏改派朱世明为驻日代表团团长,开始着手对日工作;4月份,又命方治等人着手开展对日研究;5月份,又派有留日背景的曹士瀓任驻日代表团军事组组长。 7月份,曹士瀓拜访了住院中的冈村宁次,并交付国民党政府公函,称: "目前大陆上,国军各地战斗均不如意,日日相继败北。确保内地四川、云南、贵州三省与广西地区以策持久,而让长江下游、南京、上海江南地区无力与要员后退到台湾(原文如此),以图重新整编。因此,关于再整编方面,希望日本旧军人同志惠予协助。" 冈村欣然受命。

  • "琉球之友". (in Japanese). Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 December 2008. Archived from the original on 18 November 2015. Retrieved 11 November 2015. 恩納村の高台の木立に大きな墓苑がある。中央には東シナ海を遠く見つめる男性の胸像がありその背後の石碑には大きく琉球之友と記されている。在台湾の民間窓口である中琉文化経済協会初代理事長方治氏の墓苑である。方治氏は世界的に活躍するデザイナー「アナ・スイ」の実の祖父として知られており数年前には彼女自身が恩納村に墓参りに訪れ話題をよんだ。方治氏は台琉交流の旗頭として戦後ながきに渡り沖縄のために農業、産業、文化、人的交流、また台湾への多数の留学生の保証人としての受け入れにご尽力された。石碑には墓苑建立に携わり沖縄の戦後復興に力を注がれた偉大な方々の名前が刻まれている。琉球を熱愛し第二の故郷とした方治氏の墓苑そのものが、その当時の台湾と琉球の篤(あつ)き交流の形を今に伝える。 現在、方治氏の意志を受け継ぎ現任の理事長蔡雪泥女史(74)が台琉交流のために奔走されている。蔡女史は家政、服飾、美容等の分野で教鞭(きょうべん)をとられ成功を収めていたが44歳より児童教育事業への転身を決め、台湾で公文式教育の創始者となった。沖縄県第一号終身民間大使である蔡女史は台湾の教育、福祉におけるその豊富な経験を沖縄のために全力で注がれている。

  • "日本投降不是因美投原子弹". shu4. 10 February 2016. Retrieved 8 June 2016. 8月22日,雷震、方治到厦门协助汤恩伯防守金门、厦门。雷震青年时代曾在日本留学九年,毕业于日本东京帝国大学,日文很棒。晚上,根本博、吉川源三来看雷震,谈得甚久,吉川源三告诉雷,他曾到过金门岛,并草拟了一份金门防守计划,汤恩伯及其他将领对这个计划评价甚高。[permanent dead link]

  • Yang, Ming-che (1 February 1972). Mandate to the National Assembly. Taipei: Taiwan Today, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 10 votes—Fang Chih, secretary-general and managing director, Free China Relief Association, and adviser to the President. Chen Shao-ping.
  • Macao Condemned For Repatriating M'land Refugees. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). 7 January 1968. Archived from the original on 6 February 2016 – via Taiwan Today. The Free China Relief Association (FCRA) Jan. 1 voiced its indignation at the Macao government for repatriating 12 freedom seekers to the mainland. It demanded that the free world condemn the Macao government for having violated human rights and the International Refugees Agreement to which Portugal is a signatory state. Fang Chih, spokesman and secretary general of FCRA, pointed out that the 12 youths escaped from the mainland to Macao on the eve of Christmas in the hope that the Macao government would, in the spirit of universal love, grant political asylum to them. The Macao government arrested the 12 and returned them to Red China on the ground that they were 'illegal immigrants.' Very probably, said Fang, these 12 youths will be persecuted by the Chinese Communists.
  • "Ryukyuan Leader Urges More Trade With Taiwan". Taiwan Journal 舊資料, Taiwan Today. 26 July 1964. Archived from the original on 19 November 2015. Retrieved 13 October 2015. Ajitomo Ahyshi, vice president of the Ryukyuan-Chinese Cultural and Economic Association, on July 22 called on tire Chinese government and business circles in Taipei to expand trade and strengthen cultural relations with the Ryukyus. Ohyshi made the remarks at a dinner given in his honor by the Sino-Ryukyuan Cultural and Economic Association. He called the attention of Chinese government leaders and businessmen to the fact that there is a possibility of two-way trade between free China and the Ryukyus amounting to more than US$100 million every year.
  • "A summary of important events from March 16 to April 15, 1960". Taiwan Today. Taipei. 1 May 1960. Retrieved 11 April 2016.

  • "China: Off with the Dance". Time. New York. 22 September 1947. The deadline remained unchanged. Said Fang Chih, Kuomintang leader: 'I think no patriotic man or woman wants to embrace each other under soft lights ... Dancing girls could be trained to acquire useful talents in reconstructing the country and wiping out bandits.'

  • "Sino-Ryukyuan Research Cooperation" (PDF). The Ryukyuanist (11). The International Society for Ryukyuan Studies: 12. 1991. This remarkable Sino-Ryukyuan research cooperation began when a group of Ryukyuan scholars led by the late Professor Katsutaro Shimajiri of Okinawa University visited Taiwan in October 1983. A Taiwan group returned the courtesy by visiting Ryukyu in October 1985. At this meeting of the two groups, it was agreed to hold symposia in Taipei and Naha alternately every other year. The first meeting was convened by three distinguished Chinese scholars such as Fang Chih, Crren Chi-lu and Chang Hsi-che. It has produced an impressive proceedings volume of more than 600 pages containing papers presented at eight panels of the symposium

  • "Tongcheng School". China Culture. Archived from the original on 2 December 2008. Retrieved 14 October 2015. The Tongcheng School is the most distinguished among the mid-Qing Dynasty schools of literature. Its representative writers include Fang Bao, Liu Dakui and Yao Nai, who are all natives of Tongcheng County in Anhui Province, hence the name Tongcheng School.
  • "第一节 人物传". 90 Songyang County Chronicle. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 11 November 2015. 史迁(1902——1943),原名谦,字益吾,今破罡乡人。史迁早失父母,由兄嫂抚养。自幼爱读书,在小学时,即能作文章。少长,怀有大志,认为中国社会必须彻底改革,将来建设工业最为重要。民国13年(1924年),毕业于安徽省立芜湖甲种工业学校。次年春,与王步文、童长荣、余大化、房斌等东渡日本,考入东京铁道专门学校。民国15年,在东京加入中国共产党。在此期间,他与王步文等同留日学生中的"西巢鸭派"(即"西山会议派")方治、"青年会派"中的右派汪精卫作坚决斗争。
  • Camus, Dominique. "'Paris of the Orient' The Shanghai French Concession (1849-1946)". Medicographia. Archived from the original on 25 October 2015. Retrieved 14 October 2015.
  • "方治其人" (PDF). 中国社会科学院近代史研究所. 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 18 November 2015. Retrieved 9 November 2015.
  • "蒋介石拟建10万"中日义勇军"反攻大陆". Tencent. 3 July 2013. Archived from the original on 21 August 2016. Retrieved 8 July 2016. 3月份,蒋氏改派朱世明为驻日代表团团长,开始着手对日工作;4月份,又命方治等人着手开展对日研究;5月份,又派有留日背景的曹士瀓任驻日代表团军事组组长。 7月份,曹士瀓拜访了住院中的冈村宁次,并交付国民党政府公函,称: "目前大陆上,国军各地战斗均不如意,日日相继败北。确保内地四川、云南、贵州三省与广西地区以策持久,而让长江下游、南京、上海江南地区无力与要员后退到台湾(原文如此),以图重新整编。因此,关于再整编方面,希望日本旧军人同志惠予协助。" 冈村欣然受命。
  • "揭秘:蒋介石是如何让日本战犯帮其打内战的". lcxun. 13 February 2016. Archived from the original on 6 August 2016. Retrieved 8 June 2016. 汤恩伯还说:"根本博、吉川源三到台后被陈诚安置在北投警察署招待所住了很长时间,那里条件甚差,既无事可做,又无人关照他们,他们意见甚大,见到军政要员就怨声载道。蒋总裁听说后,很同情他们,将他们交给我,要我好好招待他们,并要我认真倾听他们的意见,发挥他们的军事专长。对这几个日本人,我只有按蒋总裁的指示办。" 雷、方二人不知此事的内情,没有表示任何意见。日本战犯帮助制定金厦防卫方案, 此后,根本博、吉川源三等七人跟随汤恩伯到了厦门、金门,还帮助汤恩伯制定了厦门、金门的防卫计划。
  • Gülstorff, Torben (February 2015). Cold War International History Project, Working Paper #75, Warming Up a Cooling War: The CIAs and Other Global Anti-Communist Networks During the Era of Detente (PDF) (Report). pp. 34–35. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 November 2015. Retrieved 23 November 2015 – via Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The leaders of the APACL branches were truly well connected with politicians and members of the governments of their respective states, which granted many of their organizations a solid financial basis. Ku Cheng-Kang, former general and minister, Member of Parliament, chairman of the National Assembly, and senior leader of the KMT in Taiwan, was joined by Park Chung-hee, president of South Korea from 1961 to 1979, and Choi Doo-sun, prime minister of South Korea from 1963 to 1964, Nguyễn Tiến Hỳ, secretary general of the conservative Vietnamese party Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng, Tsai Chang, external minister on the Ryuku Islands, and Leonel Borralho, a senator in Macao, just to mention some of the organizations leaders. Consequently, governments—especially the ones in Taiwan and South Korea—were important 'investors' of the APACL network. Furthermore, the KMT—and indirectly the CIA as well—had been an important supporter of the network since its beginning. In the mid-1950s, CIA drug trafficking for the KMT in Burma was uncovered by media. The KMT and the CIA had sold drugs to earn money for the funding of the guerrilla war the KMT fought against the People's Republic of China. In the aftermath of this exposure, the CIA changed the 'technical implementation' of the drug trafficking. In 1954, the Taiwanese organization Free China Relief Association was founded to handle future transports, putting the KMT in charge. The latter made the organization a member of the APACL, based in the same office rooms as the Taiwanese APACL organization, and redirected some of the drugtrafficking profits into the network. This direct linkage of the APACL with the unconventional warfare of the KMT, its high dependence on Taiwan and South Korea—two countries on constant red alert for a Communist attack -- caused a radicalization of the APACL anticommunism to a level, which was almost incomparable to the ones of the CIAS and the CIADC
  • Harrison, Lieutenant Colonel William T. "Military Armistice in Korea: A Case Study for Strategic Leaders". Archived from the original on 1 August 2013. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  • Macao Condemned For Repatriating M'land Refugees. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). 7 January 1968. Archived from the original on 6 February 2016 – via Taiwan Today. The Free China Relief Association (FCRA) Jan. 1 voiced its indignation at the Macao government for repatriating 12 freedom seekers to the mainland. It demanded that the free world condemn the Macao government for having violated human rights and the International Refugees Agreement to which Portugal is a signatory state. Fang Chih, spokesman and secretary general of FCRA, pointed out that the 12 youths escaped from the mainland to Macao on the eve of Christmas in the hope that the Macao government would, in the spirit of universal love, grant political asylum to them. The Macao government arrested the 12 and returned them to Red China on the ground that they were 'illegal immigrants.' Very probably, said Fang, these 12 youths will be persecuted by the Chinese Communists.
  • "This Month In Free China". Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). 1 October 1976. Archived from the original on 24 November 2015. Retrieved 24 November 2015. Fang Chih, vice president of the Free China Relief Association, turns over relief rations for mainland earthquake victims to the defense departments that arranged delivery from free floating balloons.
  • "Ryukyuan Leader Urges More Trade With Taiwan". Taiwan Journal 舊資料, Taiwan Today. 26 July 1964. Archived from the original on 19 November 2015. Retrieved 13 October 2015. Ajitomo Ahyshi, vice president of the Ryukyuan-Chinese Cultural and Economic Association, on July 22 called on tire Chinese government and business circles in Taipei to expand trade and strengthen cultural relations with the Ryukyus. Ohyshi made the remarks at a dinner given in his honor by the Sino-Ryukyuan Cultural and Economic Association. He called the attention of Chinese government leaders and businessmen to the fact that there is a possibility of two-way trade between free China and the Ryukyus amounting to more than US$100 million every year.
  • Wei, Yun-ling; Huang, Maia (5 June 2012). "Taiwanese woman to receive gold medal from Japanese Red Cross Society". Archived from the original on 18 November 2015. Tsai Hsueh-ni, president of the Sino-Ryukyuan Cultural and Economic Association, said Saturday that she will travel to Japan May 8 to receive the award, which will be conferred by Empress Michiko, honorary president of the association.
  • "Representative Offices". @llo Expat. Archived from the original on 18 November 2015. Retrieved 13 October 2015.
  • "琉球之友". (in Japanese). Ryukyu Shimpo. 1 December 2008. Archived from the original on 18 November 2015. Retrieved 11 November 2015. 恩納村の高台の木立に大きな墓苑がある。中央には東シナ海を遠く見つめる男性の胸像がありその背後の石碑には大きく琉球之友と記されている。在台湾の民間窓口である中琉文化経済協会初代理事長方治氏の墓苑である。方治氏は世界的に活躍するデザイナー「アナ・スイ」の実の祖父として知られており数年前には彼女自身が恩納村に墓参りに訪れ話題をよんだ。方治氏は台琉交流の旗頭として戦後ながきに渡り沖縄のために農業、産業、文化、人的交流、また台湾への多数の留学生の保証人としての受け入れにご尽力された。石碑には墓苑建立に携わり沖縄の戦後復興に力を注がれた偉大な方々の名前が刻まれている。琉球を熱愛し第二の故郷とした方治氏の墓苑そのものが、その当時の台湾と琉球の篤(あつ)き交流の形を今に伝える。 現在、方治氏の意志を受け継ぎ現任の理事長蔡雪泥女史(74)が台琉交流のために奔走されている。蔡女史は家政、服飾、美容等の分野で教鞭(きょうべん)をとられ成功を収めていたが44歳より児童教育事業への転身を決め、台湾で公文式教育の創始者となった。沖縄県第一号終身民間大使である蔡女史は台湾の教育、福祉におけるその豊富な経験を沖縄のために全力で注がれている。
  • "沖縄の文化には、日本の文化と、中国の文化が、融合している所があります。". (in Japanese). Mazba. 10 April 2011. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 28 October 2015. 恩納村前兼久にある、陵墓の丘にあがってみます。陵墓の丘からは、前兼久の海が見えます。このお墓の上の方に、台湾から来た沖縄を切り開いた先駆者の銅像・顕彰碑があります。方治先生の銅像です。方治先生は、戦後の琉球の経済・教育・文化の発展に尽力した人です。この方が沖縄を開いたのです。具体的には、沖縄の特産物であるパイナップルやバナナの苗をうまく斡旋し、その生産の技術指導や台湾の留学生を受け入れ人的交流などを盛んに行いました。 沖縄と台湾の交流の窓口となった人です。周りをみるととても美しい景色です。山頂部には別荘がそびえています。こうして名を遂げて銅像・顕彰碑を作るとその後の維持・管理、 草を刈る、道をふさぐものを綺麗にするという事は、その後の子孫の仕事になります。子孫がきちんとしてくれないと、草に埋もれてしまうこともあります。

  • Gülstorff, Torben (February 2015). Cold War International History Project, Working Paper #75, Warming Up a Cooling War: The CIAs and Other Global Anti-Communist Networks During the Era of Detente (PDF) (Report). pp. 34–35. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 November 2015. Retrieved 23 November 2015 – via Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The leaders of the APACL branches were truly well connected with politicians and members of the governments of their respective states, which granted many of their organizations a solid financial basis. Ku Cheng-Kang, former general and minister, Member of Parliament, chairman of the National Assembly, and senior leader of the KMT in Taiwan, was joined by Park Chung-hee, president of South Korea from 1961 to 1979, and Choi Doo-sun, prime minister of South Korea from 1963 to 1964, Nguyễn Tiến Hỳ, secretary general of the conservative Vietnamese party Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng, Tsai Chang, external minister on the Ryuku Islands, and Leonel Borralho, a senator in Macao, just to mention some of the organizations leaders. Consequently, governments—especially the ones in Taiwan and South Korea—were important 'investors' of the APACL network. Furthermore, the KMT—and indirectly the CIA as well—had been an important supporter of the network since its beginning. In the mid-1950s, CIA drug trafficking for the KMT in Burma was uncovered by media. The KMT and the CIA had sold drugs to earn money for the funding of the guerrilla war the KMT fought against the People's Republic of China. In the aftermath of this exposure, the CIA changed the 'technical implementation' of the drug trafficking. In 1954, the Taiwanese organization Free China Relief Association was founded to handle future transports, putting the KMT in charge. The latter made the organization a member of the APACL, based in the same office rooms as the Taiwanese APACL organization, and redirected some of the drugtrafficking profits into the network. This direct linkage of the APACL with the unconventional warfare of the KMT, its high dependence on Taiwan and South Korea—two countries on constant red alert for a Communist attack -- caused a radicalization of the APACL anticommunism to a level, which was almost incomparable to the ones of the CIAS and the CIADC