Wolfe, Robert (1980). «Putative Threat to National Security as a Nuremberg Defense for Genocide». The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1 (på engelsk). 450: 46–67. ISSN0002-7162. doi:10.1177/000271628045000106. Besøkt 9. august 2020. «Nor could he claim "superior orders" because the IMT (London) Charter ruled out such a defense, except as miti gation. Ohlendorf and some of his fellow defendants in the same case contended that they were convinced at the time that Soviet Jewry was a mainstay of bolshevism and therefore constituted a direct threat to the security of the Third Reich.»
Earl, Hilary (1. september 2013). «Prosecuting genocide before the Genocide Convention: Raphael Lemkin and the Nuremberg Trials, 1945–1949». Journal of Genocide Research. 3. 15: 317–337. ISSN1462-3528. doi:10.1080/14623528.2013.821225. Besøkt 9. august 2020. «As ideological soldiers of the Third Reich they had killed one million civilians, mainly Jews, between June 1941 and July 1943, clear evidence of genocide according to Lemkin's definition of the crime that was circulating in Nuremberg at the time. Even though ‘genocide’ had been articulated when this trial began, the Nuremberg prosecutors did not fully employ it at trial.»
Geva, Sharon (2014). «Wife, Lover, Woman: The Image of Hansi Brand in Israeli Public Discourse». Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues. 27: 97–119. ISSN0793-8934. doi:10.2979/nashim.27.97. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «After the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Brand—together with Rezsö Kasztner and Joel Brand—took part in the negotiations with Adolf Eichmann and other Nazi officials for halting the deportation of Hungarian Jews. In the 1950s, these negotiations were at the center of a major public controversy that became known as the Kasztner Affair.»
Benjamin, L. T., Jr., & Simpson, J. A. (2009). The power of the situation: The impact of Milgram's obedience studies on personality and social psychology. American Psychologist, 64(1), 12–19. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0014077
Gerlach, Christian (1. desember 2001). «The Eichmann Interrogations in Holocaust Historiography». Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 3. 15: 428–452. ISSN8756-6583. doi:10.1093/hgs/15.3.428. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «According to his wife, Eichmann's first "memoirs" were taped between 1951 and 1959 in Argentina, typed by unknown secretaries ("Schreibkraften"), and handcorrected by Eichmann himself for publication after his death. In 1980 these memoirs were edited—and obviously manipulated—by die right-wing attorney Rudolf Aschenauer, and printed by a radical-right publisher." Leni Yaliil has already shown that some parts of the book consist of Aschenauer's rephrasing of the Sassen interview.»
(en) Julian Borger (8. juni 2006). «Why Israel's capture of Eichmann caused panic at the CIA». The Guardian. Besøkt 16. september 2008. «The Americans and the German BND knew Eichmann was hiding in Argentina at least two years before Israeli agents snatched him from the streets of Buenos Aires on his way back from work»
Lavik, Nils Johan (2007). «Folkemord, psykologi og ondskap». Kirke og Kultur. 05 (på norsk). 112: 447–454. ISSN1504-3002. Besøkt 4. april 2021. «Diskusjonen om hvorvidt overgriperne i et folkemord er psykisk avvikende personer, skjøt fart i forbindelse med prosessen mot Adolf Eichmann. Det skyldtes ikke minst filosofen Hannah Arendts utsagn om det ondes banalitet. Det var basert på den forskjell hun opplevde mellom de ugjerninger som Adolf Eichmann hadde utført i virkeligheten, og det inntrykk han ga i rettssalen i Jerusalem. Der så hun en blek, fantasiløs byråkrat som hevdet at han bare hadde utført sine plikter samvittighetsfullt. Hun mente ikke å bagatellisere ondskapens grusomhet, men å sette på spissen at de som utfører onde handlinger ikke nødvendigvis fremtrer som psykologiske monstre, men at de derimot så ut som helt alminnelige mennesker.»
Schwanitz, Wolfgang G. (2010). Steinacher, Gerald, red. «Nazis on the Run». Jewish Political Studies Review. 1/2. 22: 116–122. ISSN0792-335X. Besøkt 11. september 2021.
Geva, Sharon (2014). «Wife, Lover, Woman: The Image of Hansi Brand in Israeli Public Discourse». Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues. 27: 97–119. ISSN0793-8934. doi:10.2979/nashim.27.97. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «After the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Brand—together with Rezsö Kasztner and Joel Brand—took part in the negotiations with Adolf Eichmann and other Nazi officials for halting the deportation of Hungarian Jews. In the 1950s, these negotiations were at the center of a major public controversy that became known as the Kasztner Affair.»
Zaretsky, N. (2000). The Holocaust in American Life. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 93, No. 3, (Autumn, 2000), s. 343-347. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40193355
Cate, Johannes Houwink ten (2008). «THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE CIRCLE OF PERPETRATORS OF THE HOLOCAUST». Jewish Political Studies Review. 3/4. 20: 51–72. ISSN0792-335X. Besøkt 18. april 2021. «Dutch territories gave direct orders to Dutch police commanders. Whether these high-ranking Germans knew what was happening in the camps is not entirely clear. Two of them, Dr. Wilhelm Harster, the commander of the Security Police and Security Service in The Hague, and Willy Zopf, his assistant for Jewish Affairs, later admitted that they had known or rather had»
Lasok, D. (1962). The Eichmann Trial. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly Vol. 11, No. 2 (Apr., 1962), pp. 355-374. https://www.jstor.org/stable/756599
«Identity of Nazi Who Recorded Eichmann's Confessions is Established». Jewish Telegraphic Agency (på engelsk). 2. desember 1960. Besøkt 19. september 2021. «Wilhelm Sassen, alias Willem S. Sassen, the Dutch Nazi whom Adolf Eichmann entrusted with the tape-recording of his confessions on the mass-murder of Jews in Nazi-held countries–which were published in Life magazine–was identified here today also as a writer for the Argentine German-language publication Der Weg, which was suppressed in 1957 by the Argentine Government for its Nazi policy. He published his articles in that newspaper under the name Willem Sluyse.»
Arendt, Hannah (8. februar 1963). «Eichmann in Jerusalem». The New Yorker (på engelsk). Besøkt 18. april 2021.
«Zusya on the Roof». The New Yorker (på engelsk). 28. januar 2013. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «Salo Wittmayer Baron, who knew twenty languages and had testified at Eichmann’s trial, the first man to receive a chair in Jewish History at a university in the Western world.»
«DR. JACOB ROBINSON, HISTORIAN,DIES AT 88». The New York Times (på engelsk). 28. oktober 1977. ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 11. oktober 2021. «Dr. Jacob Robinson, a historian of the destruction of Eastern European Jewry during the Nazi regime, died Monday at the New York Infirmary at the age of 88. He was the founder of the institute or Jewish Affairs and was a consultant to Justice Robert H. Jackson, chief counsel at the Nuremberg war crime trials in 1946.»
«Nemesis of Nazis; Michael A. Musmanno». The New York Times (på engelsk). 16. mai 1961. ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 12. september 2020. «FIFTEEN years ago, Justice Michael A. Musmanno of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, who testified yesterday for the prosecution in the Adolf Eichmann trial, proposed that a world court be set up to try "international criminals" responsible for "crimes against humanity."»
«NS-Verbrecher: Israelis wollten Eichmann aus Österreich entführen». Der Spiegel (på tysk). 15. januar 2011. Besøkt 5. september 2021. «Bereits 1949 wähnten Agenten sich am Ziel: Mit einem Flugzeug wollten sie ihn nach SPIEGEL-Informationen aus Österreich entführen. Die Maschine stand bereit - doch die Operation schlug fehl.»
«How Israel’s Justice System Dealt With Alleged Jewish Collaborators in Concentration Camps—And Why That Still Matters Today». Time. 25. oktober 2019. Besøkt 6. august 2020. «It was only after the establishment of the State of Israel and after a repeated demand from a high-ranking police officer that the Ministry of Justice drafted a bill setting up a system for trying functionaries in criminal court, where they would face their accusers. The Nazis and Nazi Collaborators Punishment Law, passed by the Knesset in 1950, inaugurated what became known as the kapo trials, which would go on for the next 22 years.»
Simon, Ben (8. mai 2020). «60 years on, Israeli prosecutor recalls Eichmann trial». www.timesofisrael.com (på engelsk). Besøkt 12. oktober 2021. «A few days later, the Germany-born Bach received a call from Israeli justice minister Pinchas Rosen, the now 93-year-old Bach recounted in an interview with AFP at his Jerusalem home.....At the prison, renamed Camp Iyar, Bach coordinated a team of some 40 police officers who interrogated and compiled evidence against Eichmann.»
«Eichmann Trial». encyclopedia.ushmm.org (på engelsk). Besøkt 14. august 2020. «On June 1, 1962, Eichmann was executed by hanging. His body was cremated and the ashes were spread at sea, beyond Israel's territorial waters. The execution of Adolf Eichmann remains the only time that Israel has enacted a death sentence.»
«NS-Verbrecher Alois Brunner: Elender Tod im syrischen Asyl». Die Welt. 11. januar 2017. Besøkt 30. mars 2019. «Brunner arbeitete zwei Jahre für die US-Besatzung in Deutschland, 1953 flüchtete er nach Ägypten und von dort aus nach Syrien, wo er den Schutz der politischen Führung genoss. Er soll der syrischen Geheimpolizei als Berater gedient und dabei vor allem die Verhör- und Foltermethoden der Nazis weitergegeben haben.»
Wolfe, Robert (1980). «Putative Threat to National Security as a Nuremberg Defense for Genocide». The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1 (på engelsk). 450: 46–67. ISSN0002-7162. doi:10.1177/000271628045000106. Besøkt 9. august 2020. «Nor could he claim "superior orders" because the IMT (London) Charter ruled out such a defense, except as miti gation. Ohlendorf and some of his fellow defendants in the same case contended that they were convinced at the time that Soviet Jewry was a mainstay of bolshevism and therefore constituted a direct threat to the security of the Third Reich.»
Earl, Hilary (1. september 2013). «Prosecuting genocide before the Genocide Convention: Raphael Lemkin and the Nuremberg Trials, 1945–1949». Journal of Genocide Research. 3. 15: 317–337. ISSN1462-3528. doi:10.1080/14623528.2013.821225. Besøkt 9. august 2020. «As ideological soldiers of the Third Reich they had killed one million civilians, mainly Jews, between June 1941 and July 1943, clear evidence of genocide according to Lemkin's definition of the crime that was circulating in Nuremberg at the time. Even though ‘genocide’ had been articulated when this trial began, the Nuremberg prosecutors did not fully employ it at trial.»
Schwanitz, Wolfgang G. (2010). Steinacher, Gerald, red. «Nazis on the Run». Jewish Political Studies Review. 1/2. 22: 116–122. ISSN0792-335X. Besøkt 11. september 2021.
«DR. JACOB ROBINSON, HISTORIAN,DIES AT 88». The New York Times (på engelsk). 28. oktober 1977. ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 11. oktober 2021. «Dr. Jacob Robinson, a historian of the destruction of Eastern European Jewry during the Nazi regime, died Monday at the New York Infirmary at the age of 88. He was the founder of the institute or Jewish Affairs and was a consultant to Justice Robert H. Jackson, chief counsel at the Nuremberg war crime trials in 1946.»
«Nemesis of Nazis; Michael A. Musmanno». The New York Times (på engelsk). 16. mai 1961. ISSN0362-4331. Besøkt 12. september 2020. «FIFTEEN years ago, Justice Michael A. Musmanno of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, who testified yesterday for the prosecution in the Adolf Eichmann trial, proposed that a world court be set up to try "international criminals" responsible for "crimes against humanity."»
Geva, Sharon (2014). «Wife, Lover, Woman: The Image of Hansi Brand in Israeli Public Discourse». Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues. 27: 97–119. ISSN0793-8934. doi:10.2979/nashim.27.97. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «After the Nazi occupation of Hungary, Brand—together with Rezsö Kasztner and Joel Brand—took part in the negotiations with Adolf Eichmann and other Nazi officials for halting the deportation of Hungarian Jews. In the 1950s, these negotiations were at the center of a major public controversy that became known as the Kasztner Affair.»
Lavik, Nils Johan (2007). «Folkemord, psykologi og ondskap». Kirke og Kultur. 05 (på norsk). 112: 447–454. ISSN1504-3002. Besøkt 4. april 2021. «Diskusjonen om hvorvidt overgriperne i et folkemord er psykisk avvikende personer, skjøt fart i forbindelse med prosessen mot Adolf Eichmann. Det skyldtes ikke minst filosofen Hannah Arendts utsagn om det ondes banalitet. Det var basert på den forskjell hun opplevde mellom de ugjerninger som Adolf Eichmann hadde utført i virkeligheten, og det inntrykk han ga i rettssalen i Jerusalem. Der så hun en blek, fantasiløs byråkrat som hevdet at han bare hadde utført sine plikter samvittighetsfullt. Hun mente ikke å bagatellisere ondskapens grusomhet, men å sette på spissen at de som utfører onde handlinger ikke nødvendigvis fremtrer som psykologiske monstre, men at de derimot så ut som helt alminnelige mennesker.»
Cate, Johannes Houwink ten (2008). «THE ENLARGEMENT OF THE CIRCLE OF PERPETRATORS OF THE HOLOCAUST». Jewish Political Studies Review. 3/4. 20: 51–72. ISSN0792-335X. Besøkt 18. april 2021. «Dutch territories gave direct orders to Dutch police commanders. Whether these high-ranking Germans knew what was happening in the camps is not entirely clear. Two of them, Dr. Wilhelm Harster, the commander of the Security Police and Security Service in The Hague, and Willy Zopf, his assistant for Jewish Affairs, later admitted that they had known or rather had»
Gerlach, Christian (1. desember 2001). «The Eichmann Interrogations in Holocaust Historiography». Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 3. 15: 428–452. ISSN8756-6583. doi:10.1093/hgs/15.3.428. Besøkt 31. august 2021. «According to his wife, Eichmann's first "memoirs" were taped between 1951 and 1959 in Argentina, typed by unknown secretaries ("Schreibkraften"), and handcorrected by Eichmann himself for publication after his death. In 1980 these memoirs were edited—and obviously manipulated—by die right-wing attorney Rudolf Aschenauer, and printed by a radical-right publisher." Leni Yaliil has already shown that some parts of the book consist of Aschenauer's rephrasing of the Sassen interview.»
«Fifty Years Since the Eichmann Trial». Yad Vashem (på engelsk). Besøkt 12. september 2021. «Based on a Lecture Given by Professor Chana Yablonka at Yad Vashem on January 25, 2011»